
There have been Shadowrun sourcebooks around for those kind of mods since at least 3rd Edition. The better question is, why did the military commission Alphaware versions of some of that stuff?

Yep. The controller is just a simple black GC controller with the smash logo and a longer cord.

I didn’t ask for it, but I also won’t say no to it given that it’s not the same team as is working on Diablo 4. Good game or not, this is pure bonus, so why not just hope for the best?

Nope. It is a GameCube controller. Which also means no ZL.

Got mine about an hour ago, works fine on the GameCube. So yeah. It’s a GameCube controller.

Not the first time... Myth had this bug and I know it happened in at least one other game that I can’t find a quick link for.

Growing up, I always thought that the white one was the Abobo “variant”. Have I been living a lie?!

Had no idea this was happening, I’ll be watching the rest live. Could definitely have used this news yesterday! I mean, I’ll watch the runs on VOD, but it’s just not the same...

I understand that. I also understand that the Producer’s job is literally to do just that. Their responsibility is to ensure that the company’s interests are served by doing the best they can within the schedule that is given with the workforce that they can use.

Still reading through the entire article, but the first anecdote about the cinematic rework at zero hour speaks to a Producer that doesn’t have the power that they should, or doesn’t have the confidence to stand up and justify a negative to their superiors.

Yep, that’s it exactly!

My Googlefu has failed me, but this greatly reminds me of the Windwaker/Four Swords Link “song”

I worked as a games QA manager for a few years. We had a firm “Overtime is not mandatory” policy. We did our damndest to make sure that when we were reviewing employees work that we didn’t take overtime into account. And even though we didn’t on paper, it was SO DIFFICULT not to let that bias into your thinking when

Sure, but nearly all that time is waiting on a timer with nothing else to do, so it’s in a bit of a different category than 20 hours of execution. Not that a perfect Baten Kaitos run is easy!

Actually, that’s exactly how it works now. There was a court case settled just very recently where a group put up self shot porn videos, then sued the people that torrented them. The court ruled that they expressly forfeited distribution exclusion rights because they did the distributing themselves.

Doesn’t work either. It looks like FIFA DMCAed both of them.

TotalSpend $4,931.36
OldSpend $4,168.25

Sorry E3/ESA, but my company issued laptop is larger than your sizes. You’ve just told me, an industry member on an industry pass with meetings with other industry members, that you’d prefer that I do my business elsewhere. What are you here for again? It’s not to be an industry networking event, since we can’t do

I always assumed this video was a result of spending all their MV budget on Traveling first. “Wait, we’ve got another single on this album to do?! Crap! Uhh, we’ll film you washing the dishes! Perfect!”

Sure, but you’re also talking Japan, where even rentals of games are extremely strictly proscribed. You can still walk into a rental store and pick up the newest top 100 pop CD for a couple hundred yen for a day, but not so for Mario Odyssey. Nintendo won a coup back in the day when they almost single handedly got