Blocking still works just fine. It’s when you *fail* to block that you get staggered.
Blocking still works just fine. It’s when you *fail* to block that you get staggered.
While I wouldn’t put it quite that way, that’s what I’m pretty much waiting for as well. The character creator is about 4 steps back from what it was in RB3, and I thought even that was pretty limited.
Different processes don’t help with “We don’t have the licensor assets to finish this portion of the project”. That’s what is nearly always the blocker in those situations. And even working with the same licensor, a different director or producer at that site will have different roadblocks. So we plan for what we can…
Umm, no. Our company’s producers were almost always last out the door, taking care of book keeping and setting things up for the next day. It’s a rare thing for us to have left before any/most of the development team did. I don’t know what publisher producers you’ve worked with, but that’s not the way we’ve done…
Generally, that sort of stuff occurred with licensed products. There’s only so much grey box world building/design work you can do while you’re waiting for CG, reference art, story bibles, scripts, glossaries, etc. And depending on the licensor, that kind of stuff can come *way* late.
Exactly this. I worked at a publisher as a Producer. Never once did we plan a project at the outset so that it would require crunch to finish when we all arrived at a completed design doc. Yes, our schedules were always VERY tight and often immutable (especially with licensed games). Sure, features shifted, things got…
Looks like a 3D version of Dungeon Raid.
Most definitely. I’ve owned (I think) every version of MK that has come out. MKX was the nail in the coffin for me. Never again.
Woah woah woah. Wait. What?!
This, really. I hear so many reports of stuff stolen from higher end hotels pretty much everywhere (“foreign” or not, there are thieves in Scotland or Spain just as much as China or Zimbabwe). Thieves go for high score items. Those are pretty likely to be in rooms in higher end hotels. Trying to hit the local…
Reminds me of an activity that I did back in elementary school that taught this exact thing.
Poor writing in the article. For practice, he uses a flash-cart that has save states on it. When actually running, it’s a normal cart and NES. The NES itself is always stock.
Completely agree. One of the most engrossing streams I’ve ever watched was a speedrunner attempting to optimize routing on Secret of Mana. Listening to him go through each area, talking about why he was moving left or right or causing a spawn or despawn to save frames here and there was amazing. If he was just loading…
If you’re not already, start hanging out in other streams. Get to know those streamers. Especially those that end their streams with raids. A few dropped hints that you have a fledgling stream yourself BUT ARE NOT ASKING FOR VIEWERS will, in time, get those streamers to raid you when they log off. I’ve seen quite a…
Out of context tweets in an article that has exactly 0% to do with your posted subject matter.
Fair enough, I misread your original comment. Appreciate the clarification!
Except that they wouldn’t fire you for comments. They’d dig like crazy through your contract, find *anything* that you had slipped on, and hang the pink slip on that fact. Been wearing open toed shoes for the past 3 years where it was tacitly accepted even though it’s in violation? Congratulations, you’ve just been…
Really? In the last game company I worked for, not a single one of my co-workers used Twitter as a communications base (outside of a company account). Every single one of them that used Facebook or the like had that locked down so that only real life friends were a part of it. It was common knowledge and common sense…
It’s more likely she was fired because someone in the company said “We don’t want to deal with this. Find something to fire her for.” and the second job was a convenient excuse. Being “in conflict with corporate culture” can mean anything. HR needed a reason, that happened to be what they could peg on her.
I’m wondering the same. Buses aren’t exactly small wheel based vehicles that are simple to flip. Any Jalops around for some explanation?