
The first Judge Dredd movie. You already have a cartoony Armand Assante in there.

Alternate Universe IO9 Posting App.

She stood on the end of the dock, pale and goosefleshed and shivering in the fog. In her hand, Needle seemed to whisper to her. Stick them with the pointy end, it said, and, don’t tell Sansa! Mikken’s mark was on the blade. It’s just a sword. If she needed a sword, there were a hundred under the temple. Needle was too

This would've looked lame in 1985...

But,but.but... Pope sez it belongs to Zod!

Vatican sez it belongs to Zod.

How coincidental,in the sketch I had imagined for Super Science Team Force IO9 the group secret lair was located below an old World Fair grounds...

Only your undertaker will know the difference!

I´m still surprised there really wasn’t a Tomb Raider nude code...

Annalee? That is a name I had not heard in a long time...

I want to see King Lear "directed" by Godfrey Ho...


Three quarks for Muster Mark!

Well on the antipode side of that,back in 1971, researchers started one fat-tastic case study. A select group of prison inmates were offered early release IF they agreed to gain 25 percent of their body weight. Researchers were studying f there were genes that keep some people from getting fat. Turns out -surprise!-