
Ugh,that trailer made my ulcer go sour...

Morbid is the new black. 16th century Venetians would be proud...

The Adventures of Cyrano de Bergerac In The Empires And States of The Moon

If this game becomes this generation's Daikatana I'm going to laugh my ass off...

A true gent to the end. Vaya con Dios,Patrick. And thanks for all the class. You were the true Kingsman.

In other news,Paul Sheldon says his next novel might be the last one...

Erotica mixed with High Fantasy has never interested me,really. Neither the amoral antics of Melniboneans nor the hippie communal sex of Elfquest. Probably because I learned since a wee age that all the ass up for the taking belongs to Conan of Cimmeria...

“Otherworldly” is the wrong term here. This looks like Primigenial Baby Earth when she was starting to give her first steps into this universe.

Praised be Lord Ron, Lord Paramount of I09 Awesoness, Painter of The Gas Giants and Wielder of The Silver Beard of Armor! :D

Meet the new Tomorrow, same as the old Tomorrow...

If RECORE had been announced for a Japanese platform you can bet your candyass that it'd received WAAAAAAY jore attention...

"Control, do the people Downstairs have an analysis of the sonic analomy? I think its getting stronger and the guys are complaining that its making their teeth chatter. Must of us want to leave the drones to take care of bussiness."

Let’s not forget that first dreamer Wan Hu,who dreamt of conquering the skies with its mighty rocket chair...

Using this angle.


Its going to be fascinating listening to the DA describe all the aforementioned details when the trial for the West Coast 3D Printer Killer begins...