
They could still be there...begging... Maybe today...maybe...

Well fuuuuuck....


I’m willing to bet this is still scary...

The Chevalier Auguste Dupin has always been shadowed by that Baker Street poser. Though Rue Morge is brilliant I always preferred the subtlety of The Purloined Letter.

I’m just a sweet transvesfish

Sadly there are no tropical jungles as suggested ny E.E. Smith. Our rocketships will have to land in Planetoid 10.

You don’t need to make up animals up to conjure up nightmares...

Hey! The missing evidence in the Kelner case! My God, he really was innocent!

Can we get some excerpts to get a feeling of the tone of the story? Is it the same fatalistic aurea of 6M3D?

What’s funny is that most of us who got the toys from the first two movies highly disliked the ROTJ toys. Dem Ewoks were too E.T...

What a gigantic clusterfuck that campaign was. The Allies charged underequipped thinking they were going to steamroll over the Turks without enough artillery. And Churchill thought this was winnable? Oh Winston...

I’d be awesome when he says goodbye to Arya he uses THIS face...

Not to mention this is how she SHOULD look: