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    Am I the only one that liked the present parts of AC2 and then got bummed out after the end of 3? The overarching plot the first few games had just seems to have been cut back so much I don’t care much about the franchise as a whole any more.

    The hist works in mysterious ways.

    Insomniac Games has been named one of the best places to work multiple times, guess that only covers their developers.

    Ah the sequal to DOOOOD if I am correct?

    I love how that page mentions nothing about why her skin is green..

    Brotherhoods world was so well designed. It might be my nostalgia glasses fogging up a bit but I could even spend time in the real world Monteriggioni and just run around as Desmond.

    Nice use of that old bionicle tube cap thing at the back.

    Now playing

    Love the remake of the theme this guy made.

    Ha.. you can get the colouring book for your kindle. Costs more than the paperback too.

    I know Danish and Pretty fluent English and I failed so hard at German in school. I just couldn’t do it.

    Compared to?

    What exactly do you think happens to the majority of the animals they catch off the streets? or off peoples porches now and then.

    Look it up.

    Same here in Denmark. I don’t believe band-aid is a widespread brand here so that might have something to do with it.

    They are wrestling.

    I personally wouldn’t watch a video of someone playing a video game unless I found them entertaining or were interested in the game. Then again. I watch a lot of videos exactly like that. Not because of the game for the majority of the time but the people making the video. Because its entertaining.

    I use a pattern like this, that way it crosses the same point more than once without being overly complicated. Also with my username I got plenty of files named something with ALP on my computer.

    Just another step in the direction of me having my own ED-E.

    Konami is getting exactly what they want by doing this I guess.. No developer with any respect for themselves would ever work for them so that just leaves those who couldn’t give a damn about the industry, people who are in it for the money and nothing else, kinda like Konami it seems.

    First screenshot reminds of that kickstarter game little devil inside. I hope it gets released, what they showed looked pretty cool.