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    The fact that your name is Swedish means that you should know that you are wrong, which means you are either a bad troll or you need to do some research.

    Its also included in the collectors edition thingamabob, I got spammed with stuff when I first installed the game.

    I have been fairly positive about the whole idea of paid mods, even if it was a pay what you want kind of system. These news has made me feel genuinely angry and that feels like a rare thing for me..

    They did make the assets a lot of mods use, the game used to use the mods etc..

    Hmm, not enough shar pei.

    It hurts my danish heart to read it.

    Isn’t it made by Insomniac games? as in the ratchet and clank, spyro etc.

    I wish there were more vending machines in western countries but sadly this is the reason why we probably won't ever get them.

    Yeah I'm right handed but my left eye is my dominant eye. Tried using a bow but its not easy.

    Is that a video turned into a gif and then turned into a video again?

    I can't be the only one who thinks this could be a lot worse right? We haven't actually seen the movie yet.

    Now playing

    Could not help myself from having this song run in my head as I read it.

    Why exactly is it smarter? I didn't get that part..

    Can we search for folders now? all I really care about.

    One of my favourite photographers. Love his stuff from the rainbow gathering or what its called. You should check out some of his stuff: http://500px.com/Benoitp

    I really enjoyed the beta which really feels odd to me because I usually get so bored of mmo's and I know a lot of people say you have to get pretty far in to get to the real game but I can't get myself to do that but in this game I could just walk around the map exploring and have fun. I originally didn't want to

    That is a great idea, making a photo realisitc game in the same style as the mobile and original zelda games using photos from a stop motion scene, it would take a lot of work to do but I would love it so much.

    Thats by the guy who made the first inFamous soundtrack right? listened to that so much.