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    I have no idea what a magnet vacuum is but it sounded awesome so I was a little disappointed by the lack of actual vacuum.

    I don't shoot film, only tried it once and I don't plan on making it a regular thing but I do like it. Just the idea of producing a physical thing without ever having it to go through a computer. I have always wanted to try wet plate photography.

    This looks like stuff that would be great to spray on my camera. Anyone know if there would be any risks in doing so? Cameras can be fragile little things.

    Those moments when you realize how dirty minded you can be..

    Those moments when you realize how dirty minded you can be..

    Ha, that was my first guess too. What the kid did might have been wrong but the punishment was way too hard.

    I'm the exact opposite of you I think, I got glasses just for a minor problem on my right eye.

    Remember back when Samsung was sued because of the whole "slide to unlock" thing? good times..

    Some commands doesn't work in some countries either. I apparently don't have that much accent but when I tried the "what's this song" command I just got a message saying it wasn't supported in my country.

    Just tried the "what's this song" command and it said the command wasn't available in my country.. hate stuff like that.

    Borderlands 2 got a brand of guns that you throw like a grenade when you reload it.

    As awesome as I think it is I don't think its legal here.

    So where will the red light come from?

    They changed something around at some point. Butterape used to be the opposite of that.

    I prefer this for chrome:

    That would have to be my Fuji x100s, I got other gadgets that might look nice but this takes the price for me.

    I couldn't sign up on psn when I first got my ps3 because I was under 18.

    No I think that's just the place to keep the flashlight. One of the comments on the blog mentions that some pipes won't work.