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    I want to see someone try to take an up skirt photo with a camera mounted on his face.

    Its a pretty big part of my life. If I see someone who clearly doesn't like it I stop and I always ask for permission if I get too close to someone and in almost all cases people don't mind.

    I don't sell my photos. The laws (at least here in Denmark and a lot of other countries) allow anyone to take any photo in public space of anyone as long as you don't sell it etc.

    As a street photographer who actually tries to make an art out of taking photos of strangers in public spaces I sure hope that laws against photos in public won't start appearing. Imagine as a photographer to be fined because some stranger happened to be in the background of your photo.

    Last time I received too much money I actually told it to them and they said I shouldn't use it and that they would send a letter. That was 6 months ago.

    Her dialogue was the highlight of my play through.

    So far it looks like I have to drop my EA boycott for this.. well it was a good year I guess.

    Thought it was just a guy who just bought the company and not the inventor itself.

    Sure it has, just not here..

    I agree.

    sure would be nice..

    I wish I could promote comments.

    So in the notes on the forum it said something about new vampire animations too.

    Isn't it a possibility that the game will focus more on Desmond and those who came before and have someone like this guy be more like Altair was in Revelations?

    same with AOKP

    If I can get a LEGO creeper I might think of buying it just to own it.

    I'm gonna try this once I get my new phone:

    yeah the clock got custom colors and the media player is edited a lot.