well that looks so awesome..
well that looks so awesome..
@Jonn: check the website.
this would be my only reason to but an iPod atm, i'm wondering if it can handle an 8 kilo maine coon.
@majornougat: SSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssss
@dowingba: why not just go all the way and sell it with a pair of
@Jon: yeah the TM2 is nice
@Madpotator: Denmark isn't too lucky either, we don't have any video store or the comic store on PSP, i really wish it would just be the same all over the world but thats not gonna happen anytime soon.
@GunFlame: Get equipped with Metal Blades: i hope he keeps the 2 swords, it changed him from a bit boring character to be a very fun character to play with, one of my favorite characters in DW6.
@RobotVampire: would be an interesting idea to make a laptop with build in cables you could pull out when needed.
@voden: lets hope someone doesn't leave you a prank virus :P
well, that looks nice.
@The Sentient Meat: same here
but how big a battery would you need to keep that thing going?
@Smash Bro: place a sign on each side of some wood stairs and you got a chair, place 2 pair of stairs and you got a bench/couch.
HTC better update the Desire HD with this.
@Cptn.PaxtonAstypalaea(ColonialMarine): i'm personally more interested in the combination of being too close to explosives and getting gravel thrown in your face.
@Cptn.PaxtonAstypalaea(ColonialMarine): you gonna grief his face?
it seems like most browsers are getting the same features (which i don't mind)
so in reality its not cheese burgers cats want but fries? my world just got turned upside down o.O