@tkarenko: getting the codex edition, got both :P
@tkarenko: getting the codex edition, got both :P
@Shinta: i think they expanded it a lot more than a bit.
yeah right and crayons in your brain make you smarter.
@John H. Meyer: thats what i thought, they didn't give me a single reason.
@Belabras: its nice because you get the choice to do it when you unlock and achievement or lvl up or something like that so its your choice.
@imaria: what lvl are you in?
haven't tried it myself yet but someone says its using a bug and its a lot more laggy than the video shows.
that music fits so good with that guys voice and the video with dead chickens
@TyphoidKitten: its a laptop, not much to connect..
@Kenton Copple: yeah, everyone i know who played both games would say inFamous was better.
so i'm planning on buying the HTC Desire HD, which size would i need to make wallpapers to make them look perfect without zooming etc? (i'm good at making pictures but i suck at math..)
"all display devices are disabled or virtual. recording is stopped."
"i love black holes", thats my sentence of the day, either that or something my friend said: i was flailing around today, whilst shotuing ith rage" didn't bother fixing typos.
@usedtowork: my cousin bought one for no reason at all (but someone stole it under a week after she bought it), she had no idea what it could compared to other phones and she mostly used the apps that make you look older on pictures etc. its kinda a waste of a good phone if you don't know what you can do with it.
@Wrathernaut: after looking 3 times i do.
he kinda looks like a priest.
i would still like to know how high the % of people who buy iPhones actually have thought about it before they bought it and looked at alternatives, most people i know had no good reasons to buy one other than to buy one which made it more of a fashion thing for them, i can respect the people who have good reasons to…
@StubbornScorpio: its sometimes really fun imo, haven't finished under 5. place so far (my tv changed channel once and they could just kill me as much as they wanted till i figured out how to change back :'P) but its a different experience compared to other multiplayer games, can't wait to see the other game modes.
@Zubieta: yeah its getting old :P
@—Core—: isn't there already something called JPEG 2000?