
Look, as long as this series contains Fingolfin, I’m 100% on board with it.

If The Children of Hurin factor into it in any way, fully expect the Game of Thrones comparisons to ring true.

Thanks for reminding me I haven’t watched it in a while. I’ve loved this intro since the first time I saw it on the PS1. It demands your attention and Raziel instantly becomes this sympathetic focal point that you feel attached to.

Because nothing says “the logo is inoffensive and about honoring traditions and being respectful” quite like spewing racist bile at the people that logo caricatures.

“And lo! did the Prophet Timothy say unto the true believers ‘Watch me laser this one to right.’”

Predictably, the far- and alt-right is pissed and crying about free speech and the INTOLERANT LEFT because we’re supposed to just shut up and listen to people who want nothing more than to exterminate the “undesirables.”

Completely fair point. If you’re the only Orisa/Reinhardt/Winston/etc. on a 4 DPS team, it’s not on you to fill the healer gap.

Coupled with Fortnite’s building mechanics turning every firefight into a close ranged firefight by letting you instantly build cover as you close distance and small wonder that shotguns are everyone’s weapon of choice.

MSU. *beep* Eternal damnation. *beep* Collision course. *beep*

You’re right of course, and I’m exaggerating. Still though, MSU would deserve it if shutting down was an option.

I’d say they’re both completely awful and, along with Baylor, prove that big time college athletics aren’t just deeply, ethically corrupt, but also morally bankrupt. The people who ran these departments and these institutions cared nothing for the victims, protected the perpetrators, and did so because it made them

That finale was both classic Dragon Ball and something totally unexpected. Bringing back all the universes was a pretty obvious result but for the actual twist to be that the entire Tournament was a sort of test to see if there were mortals virtuous enough to make that wish is really clever. Besides that, the final


In a couple years the time will be ripe for EA to judge just how much goodwill the Mass Effect trilogy still garners. I’ll hold out hope for a series remaster until the day BioWare dies.

I cannot fucking believe I fell victim to the “buying the full price vanilla version instead of waiting for the re-release with extra content version later” racket with a fucking retro Sonic game.

This is the 3rd time a major structural collapse has happened at this campus so I’m inclined to think that the issue is FIU takes shitty, dangerous shortcuts that get people killed.

It’s most indicative in the Op-Eds but yeah, the entire paper has slid towards giving the Trump Administration the benefit of the doubt even when it’s consistently been shown over the course of the last year-plus that they don’t deserve it. They’re willing to engage with Trumpism if there’s profit in it, which given

It’s almost like there was a very recent expose in which high-level Mavs executives upheld a culture of sexual harassment and Mark’s not-all-that-convincing excuses as to why this happened under his nose didn’t hold much water given a. how much he says he personally handles much of the organization’s running and b.

Bye Mark.