
Isn’t this literally what the Fantastic Beast movies are? The first one was pure tripe and the next one has Johnny Depp playing Wizard Hitler so I’m not holding my breath on it being much better.

Take Battlefront 2 Starfighter Assault mode, flesh it out with more ships and attributes, remove Star Cards in favor of traditional unlockable perks, create single-player campaign, and release it as Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.

The fact that the Rockets got fucked by two James Harden offensive fouls on a routine in-bounds due to Marcus Smart flopping his ass off makes the entire thing so, so much better than it already is. You can almost get drunk off the schadenfreude.

Both of the Pouncey brothers are pieces of shit and their opinions on anything aren’t worth taking seriously. The Steelers unceremoniously cut him and Harrison shouldn’t have to make sure Pittsburghs fee-fees aren’t hurted by his next team. For all the NFL’s posturing as business this and professional that, they sure

SUPERCOOLBEAS is not here to fuck wit’ such triflin’ ass outdated concepts like “losing because the star didn’t bring it” and “that’s a top-tier team on the other side.”

Since the Raddus was staying ahead of weapons range it was also, presumably, out of the range of their interdictor fields. I’m not clear on how interdictor fields work pulling objects out of hyperspace (I know it’s been done on Rebels) but it makes sense to me that it only works on suitably small vessels - Holdo was

He wasn’t touched so the down knee is irrelevant.

On a run: the smallest sliver of football must touch the invisible world-spanning plane for it to be a touchdown.

Old, rich, southern Good Ol’ Boy is sexist and racist. Shocking.

Andy Benoit breathes through his mouth.

As entertaining as this guy’s rant was, you gotta feel bad for Geoff. That looked like an incredibly uncomfortable spot.

Konami put the screws to Kojima to avoid having him make another weird as hell movie game so naturally his first project as a free man is to make the MOST WEIRDEST, OBTUSE, BONKERS, INSANE MOVIE GAME OF ALL TIME FOREVER.

Holy jesus that Ted Gup column. I live in Florida, the dick to Alabama’s sweaty, fetid taint and home to a governor that is literally Voldemort, and I’m 99.9% confident we’d throw Roy Moore out on his ass if he tried running for Senate here.

“There’s no real mechanics, except for these mechanics.”

I also did one of the Heroic Adventures and it was properly difficult. It’s essentially a Nightfall with only one modifier and no time limit. Really want to see Bungie go back and do that for every Adventure, it’s a perfect solo activity I can just keep in my backlog for when I need some shit to do.

Finished the story and a couple of the subsequent adventures and everything to do with the Infinite Forest really is the low-point of the DLC. The first few times you do it is your standard patrol zone fare but then you just keep going back and back and back. It’s not even particularly visually interesting since it’s

Played an Alpha demo of this way back, the combat was good even then and the idea of wizards brawling with magic is a concept that always interests me. Glad to see this resurface.


Sean McDermott says he’s comfortable taking a calculated risk with this move but I’d bet my house he’s actually terrible at math.

You say Space Fascists, I say Righteously Fashionable Plume Wearing Badasses.