
There aren't enough atoms in the universe inscribed with the word "WANT" on every single nuclei that exists that would describe how much I want this collection right now.

I am going to play the shit out of this once I get my hands on it.

MusclesGlasses the character is still owned by the EMT guys. The actor who played MusclesGlasses left the show because he had conflicts with EMT.

God of War 3.

It's almost impossible to believe this because the sheer unlikelihood Emily's long forgotten Jesse doll being the exact same doll Andy comes to possess is just so mind-bogglingly high that suspension of disbelief is crushed by the weight of it.

He's pursuing a buyout from the Sixers, so he likely won't be there long, and he'll undoubtedly find himself on a contender if it goes through.

Syracuse lost to a bad team after spending most of the season front-running because they're perennial chokers who can't get the job done?

Cue the "OMG MASTER RACE" crowd sneering at anyone using less than 500 FPS and 5 trillion pixel native display, all of them forgetting that technical performance does not necessarily deliver a satisfying, enjoyable game.

Or maybe people don't want a new FFT "successor", they want a new FFT. Or the old FFT. Or something else entirely.

If they're trying to make me Evil, they can start by not making "evil" powers feel so much less fun than the "good" powers. The Ice Launch in InFamous 2 was so fun to use, I almost didn't do an evil playthrough because of how much I'd miss it.

I'm inclined to think that Smart lashed out because the guy was being nasty towards him, since people don't just lash out for no reason, unless Smart's a psychopath or something and I think that's the less likely reason here.

I've been wanting to play this game since the first screens and trailer released. Looks absolutely fucking amazing, and I'm glad to hear my expectations were not unwarranted.

Oh fuck, that shot of Oscar of Astora, lying in the pitch black, just gone...that's weirdly depressing.

Personally find this ridiculous, since random encounters never truly bugged me, but I can see how other people would enjoy this option. Hooray for options! Play how you want! I'm all for it in that regard.

DLC that interested users will then have to buy an unlock code for, and which uninterested users are stuck with despite being uninterested in it. Fucking Capcom.

The MJOLNIR GEN 2 suits the SPARTAN-IVs wear is more advanced in every way over the MJOLNIR Mark V and VI that Chief and other SPARTAN-IIs wear. SPARTAN-IIs are just better in the older suits because they were more extensively trained and augmented.

They're not allowing LeBatard to see Marlins games for a year? That's a blessing, not a curse.

Not even remotely as stupid as some "real" names floating out there, and every bit as legitimate.

It's basically a reiteration of their PTI segment, until Stan Van Gundy (guest co-host) jumps in and rips their argument to shreds by noting that: a. LeBatard's antics aren't a fraction as bad as the 16 morons who left Maddux off their ballots and b. it was a GOOD ballot, more so than many of the "legitimate" ballots

If people think the pre-order bonus is worth it and are utterly convinced they'll enjoy the title, I say go nuts and pre-order your heart away.