I'm trying to figure out who, at anywhere from 2 a.m to 11 p.m depending on time zone, would be watching this and get offended by a man dropping a "son of a bitch" on air.
I'm trying to figure out who, at anywhere from 2 a.m to 11 p.m depending on time zone, would be watching this and get offended by a man dropping a "son of a bitch" on air.
Miami sports fan here. Words can't describe how absolutely furious I am with Jeffrey Loria right now. Friends of mine feel the same way. The team is gonna move within 5 years, because they will have nobody in the stands ever again.
Reason #1 for why I'm always the goddamn driver.
The Citadel and the whole galaxy's allied fleet were all situated around Earth at the end of ME3. They don't necessarily have to set the story around the galaxy, it would just as easily be set "locally", relatively speaking.
Uh, the Extended Cut DID make sense and stay true to the universe. I'm completely on board with griping about the original ending, but seriously, it's already been fixed. Let it go.
Spider-Man faceplanting into the fire never, ever gets old.
You can skip Revelations if you're so inclined and just read a story synopsis, as the game doesn't have many gameplay innovations and pretty much exists solely to close out the story of Ezio and Altair. Brotherhood is a must-play, as it is as much an upgrade over 2 as 2 is an upgrade over 1.
I boggles my mind how, after all these years, people STILL do the Candlejack meme incorre
The only thing wrong with Butterfingers are the jagged mounds of peanut-butter flavored goodness that get stuck in your teeth for the rest of the day after you eat them. You can just feel the tooth decay after you eat it.
F: Mary Janes, M: Peanut Chews, K: Now and Laters.
When did X-Men games go off the rails? We had two awesome platformers in the 16-bit days with the 2 X-Men games. Before that, the X-Men arcade game, which is still amazing to this day. We had X-Men Legends 1 and 2 and spiritual successors Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2. The X-Men Origins: Wolverine game was…
Isn't an iPad Mini just an iPhone? I thought the purpose of an iPad was to be a tablet, i.e., a bigger smartphone, and the purpose of an iPhone was to be a smartphone, i.e., a smaller tablet or PC. So what's the purpose of the iPad Mini? An even smaller tablet, which is really just a bigger smartphone, which was…
There are games that accomplish this. The upcoming Mechwarrior Tactics (mwtactics.com) has you inputting commands opposite your opponent and having your commands resolve simultaneously. Frozen Synapse (www.frozensynapse.com) is a wonderful game that does the same thing, only with commanding a squad of virtual soldiers…
He's a literal demi-god.
~11 million is actually the amount of DAILY active players. The game gets over 30 million active players monthly and has 70 million registered accounts, though given how popular "smurfing" (higher-level players playing on lower-level accounts) and account grinding for bonuses is, the actual total amount of players is…
I've found that there is a fair amount of people who appreciated DA2, and the ones who hate it massively blow out of proportion the game's flaws. I'm one of the people who highly enjoyed it. I thought the game had a pretty good character-driven story (FFXIII also had this and gets much more hate, though that's another…
Has more in common with Mass Effect 2 than Dragon Age: Origins. Particularly, you'll be solving more of your companion's character defects than you will adventuring and saving the world, and what world you do see consists of the same handful of locations re-used over and again.
Any food can be improved by topping it with a fried egg.
He's extremely annoying to play against because he lays landmines (poisonous mushrooms), can Blind you (making your autoattacks useless), is extremely hard to catch (because he's too fast and can hide in plain sight because of stealth), and he's designed to be cute, cuddly and adorable (which automatically draws the…
I choose Butter Pecan over stuff like Triple Fudge Cookie Dough OreoReesesSkittlesM&M Avalanche all the time. I want my ice cream to be simple and delicious, not stuffed full of crap that'll make me sick as a dog 15 minutes after I'm done eating it.