5. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell) 392 Votes
5. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell) 392 Votes
Lords of Uberdark
Interesting. However not interesting enough to distract me from keeping an eye on Medieval Engineers or looking forward to Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. For a game of this sort, not really interested in a primarily multiplayer experience, which is all this seems to be thus far.
A very fun intro to a party member. Being able to send her into mouseholes and explore little nooks was quite fun.
Thankfully there are also plenty of non-European fantasy games around as well.
All it needs now is a craft from the Interstellar mod docked with it.
What, no Dwarf Fortress mods? How disappointing.
Perhaps having pre-made characters instead of allowing players to create their own wasn't such a great idea in the end, neh?
I found the game much more enjoyable when narrated by Vegeta (Lanipator). Possibly NSFW due to profanity. Breadagade For Life!
Neat. Makes me wonder how hard it would be to mod demons into Project Zomboid.
Primary education in the US (K-12) only covers fragments of history (wars, some major events, etc). Ethics and philosophy are not taught as subjects (at most schools), and may really only be experienced in continuing education at universities and colleges. Even at a university, the students themselves have the…
Not quite nightmare fuel, but getting close.
What, no mention of the PSX era KISS?
Now we just need an open world Judge Dredd game.
1) Fallout. Still holds up well after all of these years, still love how it handled combat. Without this game there would be no franchise. Grim, dark and yet humorous as well, a great thematic mixture.
Puffery, wonderful term. Buyer beware, advertising can be misleading.
Not my favorite by far, but well worth mentioning.
Heck there are actually 5+ playable races in the Phantasy Star series of games, and over 8 classes. Alas it seems like PSO2's US release has been delayed indefinitely, I would much rather play that than Destiny (and yes I am familiar with the fan-made English patch for the Japanese client).
Damn. This was sounding so incredibly interesting; a create your own Triad (char & build up a gang) open-world thing. Then I realized that it was a multiplayer game. Sigh.