Now we just need a remake of War in Middle Earth.
Now we just need a remake of War in Middle Earth.
To be fair, one of the ‘rules’ of the setting has always been “Style over substance” which meshes well with the quote “high tech, low life” from Mike Pondsmith. Thus far all I have heard about the game seems like a faithful imagining of the source material.
Obligatory spoiler alert.
The lack of variety in the monsters thus far is, perhaps, the biggest negative for me personally. The cyclops with the eye-beam was a welcome variation from the hordes of winged demons (as was the multi-eyes demon). I sincerely hope we will see a greatly expanded beastiation in future episodes.
Præ for the Gods would also have been acceptable.
Looks nice. Reminds of of World’s largest Dungeon a bit. I’m always a sucker for running people through mega-dungeons however.
I noticed a disturbing lack of Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
“Formless protoplasm able to mock and reflect all forms and organs and processes—viscous agglutinations of bubbling cells—rubbery fifteen-foot spheroids infinitely plastic and ductile—slaves of suggestion, builders of cities—more and more sullen, more and more intelligent, more and more amphibious, more and more…
It´s aginst th´ law to gamble, It´s aginst th´ law to roam
It´s aginst th´ law to organize or try to build a home
It´s aginst th´ law to sing, It´s aginst th´ law to dance
My complaint would not be that they showed too much, my complaint would be that they showed too much that got cut from the game.
Needed more Succubus... oh wait, wrong franchise.
Hello there my bird-dog friend
Not so long ago it was delayed till the end
We played inside on the glowin’ screen
On out way out the ruin we started over again
You’re livin’ my dreams of gamin’ just won’t drop
My hands are achin’ oh I just can’t stop
that’s how it happens playin’ games round the clock
Unhealthy living conditions due to assorted pollutants and realistic-distance hospitals I assume. Even in normal games with “large” cities, frequent death tolls can be an issue unless you have planned ahead quite well.
I would like to see a remake of Star Fleet II: Krellan Commander. Board and capture enemy ships, bomb planets into submission... good times.
“He Ignited into a fiery inferno for you people!”
You know what I would like to see in an update? A bunch of the features mentioned but never added to the game: