
Interesting. The major thing I see that BT has going for it, is the age of the patents themselves. The patents involved were filed in 1998 it looks like (one in 2003) with varying grant dates.

Alas poor Firefall. However this is what can occur when you change your development goals mid-stream. Originally Firefall was billed as a co-operative/competitive PvE game with some PvP ‘for kicks’. However as development progressed further along, the focus of the game moved increasingly towards competitive PvP &

Ultima V is still one of my all-time favorite games. When it originally came out, the night-cycle, and the appearance of the Shadowlords in-town were quite oppressive and terrifying things to encounter. Alas my very first play-through of the game was a short one, I learned that confronting the Shadowlords was a very,

No man nor beast could best the Wolf-King,

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Nice. However I prefer it sung by Johnny Cash.

Looking back, I find that KQIII was my favorite entry in the series. While I enjoyed many of the other games, this one I found to be the most delightful and least rage-quit inducing. Cookies and cats, what’s not to love?

Lake Erie, eh? As Native American iconography is a hot-button issue it seems, would a Viking warrior replacement logo be better I presume? After-all if you want to depict a ‘savage warrior’ you may as well go with iconography that more closely matches/reflects/honors what you are trying to represent.

Great game at launch, still great. Most of the DLC offered is wonderful (except for Conclave, IMNSHO) and the modding community for CKII is wonderful.

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Great song for a great game. Recently I have seen quite a few videos of other arts trying their hands at it. This one came out earlier this year and is also quite nice.

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The ‘short’ version of 宇多田ヒカル - 桜流し (Sakura Nagashi) linked above does not seem to be available in the US from her YT Vevo channel. However the one from her main YouTUbe channel works just fine.

The number of people killed each year by police in the U.S. is a lot higher than I expected. Last year at least 1146 people were shot by police (306 black, 195 Hispanic/Latino, 13 Native Americans, 581 White, 24 Asian/Pacific Islander, 27 ‘Other’). The minority deaths (black, native Americans, etc) seem particularly

The same way you can trademark “Scrolls”, “Sky”or “Battlestations.”

Always room for moar Zubat.

Indeed.There are so many things one could complain about here, neh?

It is a slick, modern take on the series. Alas a number of elements of the game really bug me quite a bit. Definitely not a fan of any sci-fi game that forces star lanes as the only/default FTL method. Not a terrible game, but not great, just this side of good/adequate.

Oh regional names, how you crack me up. I still find it quite amusing how three fighters had their names rotated way back when Street Fighter II was released in the US.

Dwarf Fortress, Fallout Series, Mount & Blade, Total War Series, Crusader Kings II and many more.

Cute story. However it should be fiancee or fiancée. With a single ‘e’ the word is meant to represent a man who is about to get married.

Alas I never got to try any when I was younger, it was never carried at any of the stories nearby at the time.