
I'm a teacher and I hate eating breakfast right when I get up because who wants to eat at 6:15am? So I've been making eggwhite, lean ham, and whole wheat tortilla burritos and freezing them. I make a bunch once a month and then take them to work to store in the teacher's lounge freezer. When I get to school around

Fun fact, that's the last thing Vegans see before they die.


I watched them film this scene. It was 2 blocks from my house.

Gawker Media writes duplicate articles all the time, presumably to draw a larger audience and to cater to differing demographics. Although it's good that Gawker posted this, I'm more interested in reading comments from the Jezebel side.

First thing that crossed my mind. Fry, bitches!!

Correct, only with ladyparts.

Breakfast for dinner is the best meal ever.

Now playing

Because this post shouldn't run without this virtuoso bit from last night's LWT:

In my house we have a breakfast nook in the kitchen, and a dinner table in the dining room.

When the easiest option is cereal*, that's why most people are like "screw this".

I was in a sports club in high school like this. I suspect those movies were viewed regularly. Funny though, I was asking some teenagers today if they had ever seen Monty Python. They blinked at me and one kid started describing some movie about a snake charmer and asked if that was the one.

My daughter and I can also do this.

My husband has the better memory. That's because he holds on to every little butthurt, including stuff from grade school.


They clearly haven't been to some of my friends' bachelorette pads either.

I don't buy that men have poorer memories than women. They just don't care to memorize things that are important to the women in their lives, things women say and do, etc. Their memories work just fine w/r/t sports and movie quotes.

I pretend to not remember in the vain hope that I won't have to hear the story behind every fucking Christmas ornament Mom.