One looks like JC Whitney fucked a minivan. The other is an Acura.
One looks like JC Whitney fucked a minivan. The other is an Acura.
White on white crime doesn’t exist in a country that puts a premium on individuality. Blacks/POC are still seen thru a collective filter. Whites who commit crimes are Stephen, Ted, Timothy,etc. Those individuals are responsible but not the collective group.
I read that and was like that seems really expensive for a dart. Then it clicked and I thought to myself “That seems really expensive for a dart”.
I see what you did there...
Then you have a choice you have to make. I personally will make other sacrifices in order to not have an HOA tell me what I can or cannot do with my property.
Damn it...
This is not just for your sake. What do you think happens to that driver when his passenger smashes into the back of his seat?
5. Profit!
More reality checks on three-row seating:
“Could someone explain how they could have handled it “better”?”
“apparently due to an instinct that causes calves to follow the largest moving object near them, which is typically its mother in a herd.”
Today feels like the kind of day that should end with something richly, deeply stupid. Something stupid in a vapid,…
Oh my god yes. They lack any detail and simply fade away into the abyss from a distance. No character or highlight at all.
You can’t know for sure why she was doing that. Maybe she is an idiot. Maybe there was blood in the car that she had to really wash out. A lot of blood.
Child leashes, they prevent bad things from happening. Not saying it’s your fault but I would have a hard time taking a very young child anywhere with extremely valuable/delicate items.
I’ll be that parent without an ounce of shame and I’ll sleep better knowing it won’t run out into traffic.
Wow, the Philippines used to be really close to FL, why did they move away?
Oh look, another moron who thinks gov’t should be run exactly the same as a business. Please GTFO with that shit.