
A friend of mine worked in technology at a large law firm and got roped into setting up one of the attorney’s daughter’s computer at the attorney’s McMansion. He parked his new Mazda 3 in the driveway and was promptly told he needed to park it somewhere down the road. The friend suggested it was because of image and I

Gotta say I prefer ScarJo myself overall if we’re going for super sexy heroine.

And in Fury Road I thought she was the worst thing in that movie. The only one without an accent that sounded shitty and not in-character, in an otherwise lovely movie (watched it again today).


I hear ya. I bagged groceries for a year and a half to buy my first car for $700. Why idiot rich people spoil their idiot kids with brand new expensive cars is beyond me.

You know girls sometimes have girlfriends too, right?

Sadly, I think it may be at least partly on purpose. Case in point is this very story. If you later tried to point out to Trump he took credit for something he didn’t do he could deny it and challenge you to prove in his run-on broken sentences where he defijiteively said it. And you can’t because his word salads make

Wait, are you telling me that lying and cheating *weren’t* part of the housing market collapse?

I dread getting old. My father suffered a stroke, and it seems his mind just went. He believed every huckster and phone solicitation. Every time I’d go visit, he’d have a list of bullshit products he wanted to buy off the TV, and he’d ask me to call and give me his credit card to get the junk. Fortunately, he was

They’re all shitbag programs.

Cool (ur S5 Sportback):

The GTs are still gross and uncool in my opinion. I think the A5/S5 Sportback is more along the lines of the 4-series Gran Coupe.

For general hooning and being a kid again.

I’ve never seen a truck hit it or a sign of one having hit it, but every time we drive past, I tell my kids we’re going to try it out and see what happens.

or maybe the safety ramp is... level!

Remember those bags of chips that are just so hard to pull open? So you tug, and tug, and tug some more and then boom! The whole bag explodes and now you have chips everywhere.

I just hear “They just need to merge when they see the sign”. Yes, I do agree, stop waiting till the last minute to merge.

The video suggests leaving an empty buffer zone, but that’s not some fancy traffic alleviation technique. That’s good old-fashioned following distance. If you’re looking for a special technique, there are some variations on how to use this following distance.

“How Not To Get Stuck In Traffic: Don’t Drive TROLLOLOLOL.”

Tesla didn’t end it MobileEye did, and the reason they did was probably because Tesla didn’t listen to them and used their tech in a way they objected to, it’s right there in the announcement. They will no longer go into supply agreements but rather partnerships, ie. they will not just supply the tech and let the

The CTS-V has plenty of length behind the rear seats. In that respect it’s absolutely not like a hatchback (in which cargo length is more than doubled by lowing the rear seats) and very much a wagon. I’ve not seen the inside of the V90, but looking at the exterior side views of both, the length of the cargo floor