Who is Skeletor? What's an internet troll? And how come there's a lot of pound signs sprinkled in this article?
Who is Skeletor? What's an internet troll? And how come there's a lot of pound signs sprinkled in this article?
That's so funny - I don't see the word "car" or even "airplane" in the article at all. This is exactly the reason jalopnik is broken.
Ummmm he said "a testament to 'why not' engineering at its finest." Not engineering at its finest.... I think "why not" engineering at its finest isn't related to the choice of engine. More so the fact that you take an engine that isn't normally placed in this type of application and make it work and that you normally…
Uhhhh no. The fault always lies with the person committing the crime, not the person upon whom the crime was committed.
If it had been only him in the car he might have had a light sentence but he did it against the will of his passenger who was also the cars owner. In that perspective 8 months in jail is a light sentence for kidnapping and auto theft.
Fascinating with all the good advice to Mr. Loeb. I'm sure he's dying for someone to tell him how much of a better driver he could be, if he just read comments on the internet. As you were.
Which direction did he stir in?
In my opinion Mercedes new headlights are too bubbly looking. I think they have the worst company headlights out of the 3 Germans.
Over the past decade and a half, Audi has consistently turned out some of the best-looking luxury cars in the entire…
Have you ever wanted to be like Wonder Woman? I mean, sure, we all have, in many complex ways, but I specifically…
No, no, no, no, no.
I would love to see a Pre-war film of Audi vs. Mercedes Benz, with a Cameo by Alfa Romeo, specifically the 1939 season that took place all the way up to the days War was declared by Britian and France. also the Autobahn speed trials, where sadly Bernd Rosemeyer died attempting to break the record.
I too like it, but I couldn't see a nice person driving it.
According to the Supreme Court they are.
I'm bald, in my mid-30's, and own a brand new Corvette. I MUST KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS!
So predictable that LVPoen would be the first to comment here with his typical VAG trolling.