
Why did you vomit after saying 'studded tires'?

Every Monday morning, I wake up, come to work, turn my computer on, and ponder the same question. "Sure, I'd like to enter the Daytona 500, but I'd want to get it over with really quickly because it's Monday and I have Things To Do. How fast could I do it before I die a horrific, debilitating death?"

This is a trick question. No car can be fun driving it 100 miles a day in traffic. If you commute 100 miles a day you need to stop, find a new job or move closer to work. Your quality of life and love of cars will cease to exists after years of a soul sucking commute.

good news the 2015 STi has 5 more hp 10 years later!!!!! So if you are willing to wait 70 more years it will eventually have 340hp too!

He's Rush Limbaugh in a car. His fans are dude bros. It's a pretty giant turd sandwich all around. But to his credit he did take a rather puerile and mediocre style of humor and turn it into a fortune. Not hard to do when everything that comes out of his mouth appeals to the basest worst instincts of a country, and in

she should not have been tailgating said yellow truck.

Even if she had been in the lane with the moving semi for a considerable amount of time before having to enter the exit lane, the visibility around the semi is near 0. In that hypothetical scenario she could have increased her follow distance and maybe gotten a better look before merging, but, still.

"moves like this are the way to go."

Don't fall for that. There's always the next exit. Either a U-turn or maybe GPS will find an equivalent new route.


Auto dealers find moral high ground and economic gain at same time. Coincidence?

Indeed. There's no point in getting nice underwear either, right?

Are you suggesting that you'd rather drive the Altima? How come every single solitary article about bargain luxury/exotic cars is filled with comments along the lines of "BUT BUT BUT - It's more responsible to drive a 3 year old Accord, obviously"

you mean the leather wrapped air vents!?!?

Water rendering tech from Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer