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Every once and a while io9 asks this question and I have to put them in their place. Think you know disturbing? Well after an evening of wandering that weird part of YouTube, I can say that you know nothing.
I give you, Fantastic Hey Hey Hey:

> Commenters are telling me it's wet concrete.

I do not eat at chain restaurants and I avoid suburbs like the plague. Both of these locations are well known for having an ample supply of parking. If a restaurant is worth going to, parking is way, way down the list. I never hear someone say "it's easy to park" when discussing the merits of good

If that parking area were, say, a series of mixed use developments, it would not only generate revenue via property tax increases, but the people who lived there 24/7/365 would be spending a WHOLE lot more money in the area than the average po-dunk family driving into downtown on the weekend and buying a $3 trinket

But the raised belt lines is the reason rear visibility has taken a plunge, leading to more deaths while people are backing up...

"It doesn't matter if the Lambo was speeding or not..."


"I'm confused"

What? No thick framed glasses and ironic mustache? THIS IS NOT THE A3 THAT I KNOW

Absolutely no excuse. The Risi red mist strikes again, those guys are clowns. Mirror or not, he should have been in contact with his crew and the marshal at the site. Even then he drove into to MIDDLE of the track. If i remember right Matteo holds the record for most penalties during a race. Hack driving that ruined

Kuddos. Tons of well schooled print journos unemployed and you guys link baiting the death of hipsters despite Audi never using the word nor hipster even remotely fitting into the target demo/price group of this car. Yes successful urban types might also include some hipsters...also will include some yuppies, hippies,

Ahh yes, because she owes you and the world a photo you approve of! How dare she use her phone like that! Should be arrested really.

The ambulance is also running a red light, the kid was running across the street to beat the countdown. Even with sirens at full blast an ambulance should pause at a red light and check before proceeding. He could have just as easily been sideswiped by traffic.

I disagree completely.

I've got it. 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix Sedan with something obstructing or replacing the rear window in the rear door. Everything matches down to the surviving hubcap.

But I shudder to think of what will fill the vacuum....

When someone says God Bless You in this context they really mean Fuck You Asshole.

Audi weighs less and has 2 more doors? wut?

Because the ad makes Americans look like assholes. Even more than our government does. And it's from a fucking car company that went belly-up and had to be bailed out using taxpayer dough, yet here they are, talking about money and working hard and other bullshit that they did not do.