
Come on, we all know it's not the sale-pukes who are the biggest problem in buying a car. It's the slimy cork-soakers in the financing department who write up the purchase. Sales-pukes just tend toward being uninformed, greedy and uninterested; that's what they're paid for. The finance guys (and gals, I assume)

The front clip is melty. In profile, it begins to deliciously sag right ahead of the front wheel, taking it out of line with the hood leading up to that point.

Sure is a good thing there's a physicist to tell us why this won't work. If only Elon Musk had thought to talk to someone before he put out that paper!

Audi's secret for Le Mans victory: a portal inside the cockpit of the R18 that lets it store a whole bunch of stuff. Extra fuel, spare driver, pets to boost morale, mushrooms, triple red shells, and banana peels.

You're a driving enthusiast, not a mechanical enthusiast. Just because you don't understand how everything works doesn't mean you don't care about cars and can't enjoy them.

My guess as to why the A8 doesn't do as well as the 7 series, the S class and even the Lexus LS is because of the demographic that buys high end German luxury cars. This would be predominantly male and mainly over 50. They likely developed their sense of brand value in the 80s and 90s when Audi used to be more like

Already been done. Lingenfelter C5 Corvette did it in 1.97. Wait... may have been a C6. Dang. Old age.

I will admit to an assist from Barry White.

God, those windshield wipers look phenomenal. Did you see how smoothly they sweep? How adequately they clear accumulated moisture? They're perfect, proportionally, too. It's a flawless design, those blades.

And once more, greed completely circumvents security. It's much easier to spoof the application process than to sneak a weapon through the screening (even if the screeners didn't miss 90% of what goes through their scanner anyway).

Sunk cost fallacy. I have to LOVE THE FUCK out of it so I feel that it's money well spent.

If I am being honest, and I don't like to gripe, it would have to be Hudson. After seeing this car plugged in a movie about real "Racers" who were fast without all the angsty furiousness of some of other scene documentaries I decided that this would be the car for me with all the left steer, right turny action it was

You can't fool me. That isn't hacking.

Only if a dude wears it.

Here we go again, another knob who has never driven an Audi but enjoys spouting whatever the party line is in the jerkoff auto press....

Stance, Shakotan, Mettwurst....whatever it's called, it's just another synonyme for pointless (at best) modifications of suspension etc.

Electric cars are meant to centralize our energy problems to the grid. It's much easier to change a few power plants than a few thousand cars (ratio may be exaggerated). Increasing electric car use with cleaner power plants supplemented with home wind and solar will make us use a lot less fossil fuels and is a

OK people, every vehicle has a stance, a Veyron, this Corolla, fucking dump trucks, they all have a stance. You cannot add a stance, stance cannot be a verb. Cars can have a "good" stance, or a "bad" stance (purely subjective), but stance can neither be added nor taken away. What you meant to say was this Corolla