
This Aida de Acosta woman looks like a last century copy of Sabine Schmitz. Coincidence? I dont think so.

Sorry. Other than watching a couple of retards with a shitty Olds make it, well, shittier... that was the worst video I've seen in a while. I made it to about the two minute mark, skipped to nearly the end to see if anyone died, then closed it.

Would like to know the all-telling ultimate benchmark- 0-60.

What a moron! The turn around, don't drown means to do it before you reach the water. One key reason for that is you can't see obstacles (or giant holes) under the water. In particular, don't assume that because the water is flat that the surface under the water is also flat.

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Subaru. Americans struggled with that one so much that even Subaru themselves have given up trying to pronounce it correctly. Here are their first commercials in the US from with the "correct" pronunciation, before Subaru admitted defeat:

Jaguar - if you're American

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This one's a little remote, depending on your definition. Whatever, it's still awesome enough to post. Paro, Bhutan. The only airport in Bhutan, tucked away in a valley.


While swappable battery packs would never be feasible in today's world, they are indisputably the best solution to battery powered cars. Quite simply, they forever solve the issue of unbearably (and downright unacceptably) long recharge times. Anyone who grew up in the 90's soon learned that they could enjoy their

"A sad end?"

"Free market" exists only as empty rhetoric in the US. At the same time, a totally free market allows for anti-competitive practices and diminished innovation. It's in all of our best interest to use public money to support innovative ideas that don't pay off immediately but which will have enormous impact in the long

It's hard to comprehend how someone with the means to afford millions of dollars of cars has the demeanor and grammar of a 14 year-old. I'm not just talking about abbreviation/capitalization, I get that — you typed in a hurry maybe. I mean just... think about how you're presenting yourself, you know?

How does Apple have planned obsolescence any moreso than the pay-per-update nav systems already in cars? Three year old phones run the newest iOS, and my white MacBook is running Mountain Lion just fine. Meanwhile, a 2 year old nav system in an area of heavy construction is wrong and my last Droid was purchased the

I would argue that the collective dismantling of the streetcar networks in most of the US was 'wasteful,' in that we find ourselves in a pinch transportation-wise right now.

In (7) the announcer is American, not British.