
I’d rather be a lumberjack. It’s more real axing.

But he also plows a ton of his own money into humanitarian efforts and other projects. If I remember correctly, he’s one of the folks that signed the “Giving Back” pledge, which pledges more than half of his wealth to philanthropy. He’s also quietly helping to rebuild Puerto Rico’s energy grid.

Hans Stump.

They’re used in much the same way as SUVs.

The driving instructor, pictured below, failed to press her brake pedal.

I have no idea what the driver was looking at (maybe a night-vision monitor, maybe her phone) nor can I imagine where the pedestrian’s attention was focused, but they both seem to suggest that we’ve already conceded victory to the machines by shirking the basic duty of preserving our own lives. Godspeed, humans.

How does one account for absolutely no braking?

I think you cocksucker hit the nail on fuck you the head.

“Cause people who buy lower-budget versions of status symbols are so much more self-assured and kinder to servers”, said no one who’s ever been a server.

Hmm. Truck driver crashing into his future replacement. No ill will there.

To this day, I think the greatest achievement of German automotive design is never thinking that a tail light with chrome housing was in good taste. What a scourge the Altezzas were; the JNCO jeans of tail lights.

The most satisfying is not knowing that it had protective tape, until many years later, and then pulling it off to reveal an incongruously new-looking part compared to the rest of it. It’s like a spouse getting a face-lift.

How the fuck was the Lambo not at fault? It looks like it’s going twice as fast as the police car preceding it. Was the cop running interference for it as part of some rinky-dink video production?

I’d love to hear more about whether or not the darts are re-usable, and how much it all costs.

Meh. Call me when they release the FrontTrak version with CVT.

Muphry’s law.

“That” is not a preposition.

It’s PRSD (post-recession-sensibility-disorder), Kristen. My car gave out on me two years ago and I have not replaced it with anything other than malaise. And I live in Los Angeles! I keep trying to get excited, but then I find a car, go to the loan-payment estimators, then to my online bank statement to marvel at

And a lower entry price, to boot, I bet.

Um, MarcBee, you’re about to get...oh, never mind.