
The problem is that nobody's making money from OSes anymore unless it's to sell apps, hardware, cloud services, or streaming entertainment.

I suppose all of those who are not established are pretending to be "agnostic" and "play nice" with each other until they gain a foothold and decide they don't want to be "agnostic" or "play nice" anymore, right?

Didn't happen unless there's video.

Close, especially with Lexus. It's gobbled up by the US market and nearly nowhere else. But, throw in our love of SUVs and appearing affluent and you've got to pick the RX—it's the soccer mom's announcement that she's arrived.

Geo Metro USED to have that problem.

It's interesting to wonder how new cars will be perceived there. I don't want to suggest that they've lived in a cave, but their automotive tastes have undoubtedly been mired in older aesthetics and electronics would be a curiosity to many. We look upon their old cars with nostalgia, largely because we've forgotten

Don't worry, it'll have 4 reverse gears and an extra steering wheel.

In LA, I've only ever seen them driven by cholas.

Now playing

Installing adequate timing and TV screens improves the fan experience...

Nothing built in 1994 deserves such...unless it's 2094.

Yay! Everything modern is good. Let's get rid of this relic, too.

Of course, that nugget applies to all cars, but the fact that it is specifically articulated on behalf of the Dodge Nitro tells you how singular and deeply-ingrained the stereotype of its owners is. If you buy it obliviously, you already don't care what others think. If you buy it "ironically", prepare to take some

Insulated? They rake it in more.

I guess zero fux were given.

Car thieves deserve a special place in Hell, but this—by someone whose entrusted to fix your car, rather than break it—has a more exclusive place in Hell's septic tanks.

On paper, it's enticing, but until Consumer Reports gets a hold of one, I'm not buying.

Real price explosions are almost always driven by collectors displacing daily drivers in the market. They don't really care about maintenance or reliability. They've got gobs of money to fix them up and generally show them around occasionally while logging under 2,500 miles a year.

Fortunately, our assholes age at the same rate as we do!

In their case, the energy will be recovered from tooth chatter.

I get it: