All Over But The Sharting

What do you guys think: is this the worst catastrophe in sports book history? Or does that title still go to The Book of Basketball?

This is spot-on. Thank you.

Even if you're right (and the commissioner's job is to marshal both sides of the NFL's player-owner partnership, so I don't really think you are), Goodell's put himself out as the NFL's dictator since he claimed the job. If he had any balls (and the good sense to recognize that his league is going down in flames

The amazing thing is, you've made an entirely convincing case for firing Goodell without even mentioning his utterly inept handling of the "Bountygate" fiasco, the ugly PR disaster of the 2011 lockout, his failure to get any traction for his disastrously-stupid 18-game regular season idea, his ridiculously heavyhanded

This is hilarious. +1

It is a sports-themed piece. It's about the 2002 Olympics. It's timely and relevant because the man who claims credit for having put those Olympics together happens to be running for the most important elected office on the entire planet.

Can you dispute any of the facts in this article, or does it just bother you that people are reporting them?

So you're saying that media outlets shouldn't report on instances of national political candidates touting their own achievements, while simultaneously decrying the exact methods they used to attain those achievements? That's not objectively newsworthy? That's not information that would inform the voting public? I

That's hilarious.

The fuck you say!

Speaking of things that are riveting: the first few moments after you see that Blade Runner is on television and switch it on, waiting to see if it'll be a Director's Cut version with no voiceover narration, or if you'll have to change the channel.

"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."

"You fucking dumbass! Clocks only go to twelve, 'professor'! This is the worst book ever!"

Well hey, it's not any less unfair if what made Ricky Langley a monster is based in his genes. Anywhere you stand to look at the little kid he used to be, that little kid got fucked by the world in a way that is not so much less horrible and unfair than what happened to the kid he grew up to murder. The whole thing

Ever since I became a dad, I think I've just become hyper-aware that everybody who does horrible shit, everybody who's ever killed another person whether because they chose to or had to - all of them, every last one - was once somebody's wee little newborn, who would not choose a path that leads to such a horrible

I can't even watch Crystal Skull. No joke, that one of my ten or so least favorite films of all time.

Good call on those, especially that first one. Really powerful writing, especially toward the end. The last paragraph or two wrecked my shit.

To rebut your points one-by-one:

This cracked me up.

This is goddamn hilarious.