
Are you in remission now? I hope so!! One of my patients once told me she would like to be referred to as "ass kicker of cancer". That always made me laugh.

I work in a hospital oncology floor. We call all of our patients just that, patients. They certainly don't seem to mind. As a matter of fact I think if I walked around calling them survivors I'd get laughed at or punched.

I know how you feel! I'm 25 and just got married. ALL of my friends are not married. I have had to learn to just let the feeling go. Although I will say, I have had a couple of friends distance themselves because they think now that we are married we can't hang out with single people...dummies.

Thank you! Exactly. This is my problem. And I have a friend exactly like this too. She doesn't care about the marriage. Just the wedding. But guess what home girl marriage ain't easy. It makes me so sad for her and for him!

I'd bet someone else already wrote this but my problem isn't with girls who like to plan weddings, it's with girls who think the wedding is more important than the marriage. Guess what ladies! After that big old're married. Supposedly for life.

It's definitely one of those situations where no one knows the answer but you. But I will say this in the hopes that it makes you feel better: I went through something very similar. Found out I was pregnant, miscarried at 14 weeks, and now desperately want a baby. But I will say this as well: my husband, although he

We bought a house last year when I graduated and lemme tell ya, it was life changing!! So amazing. Congrats to him and you guys! I hope it works out. Big kitchens are the best.

I guess it's different at different hospitals, but where I work we wouldn't have been allowed to take them.

After watching that clip all I could think was "she ( nicki) seemed to get awfully mad over something that wasn't that big of a deal". She started that Whether their comments back were petty or not, the other three judges had already given the girl the go ahead. And minajs "you are just trying to scare

I have a friend who is secret service for Biden and he was there, like a few feet away. He swears she was singing. He also said she's very nice and sweet.

Awww poor cutest dog ever mountain puppy. Get rid of your hiccups!!!

Ugh!!!! It's so true. Whhhyyyyy?!?

I understand and couldn't agree more


Yes because it's excellent.


Good point!!!

Ooooh now I see why you're being such a jerk. You didn't actually read the question before you responded to it. I said "I have never breast fed so I could be wrong, but aren't there an insane amount of things to cover up with" I didn't say "AHHHH YOU LISTEN TO ME DUMMIES THERE ARE AN INSANE AMOUNT OF THESE THINGS".

My question actually ended with "I'm curious". I'm not sure how that's offensive. And you must not have read 3/4 of the responses because most of them are very well written, concise responses with amazing insight on the difficulties of breast feeding.