
You don't learn while studying to be a CNM what makes certain parts of breast feeding more or less awkward in public. You learn how it works biologically and how to help mothers do it in an ideal situation. The rest you learn from experience. From talking to mothers. From asking mothers questions. Like I did. Nowhere

Thank you! I think that was such an amazing insightful response and I so appreciate it!!!!

Yeah, I mean that's the same set up we have. I just honestly don't remember ever seeing anyone wander around with food. And i know you cant bring food or drink into the stores. Not that it's that important, if women want to breast feed they certainly can.

Lol! That's awesome!!!! That must take some serious skill.

Hahahahahaha!!!!! Yay!!!! I'm glad someone got it. Lol. Best episode ever.

That's such a great story and way to go for your father!!! His delivery sounds rough, but very true and to the point. Awesome!

Preaching to the choir. I have large boobs not breast feeding and I can't find bras.

No. I'm certainly not telling anyone to just stay home. Or even to just cover up. Just curious about the options.

It's a company called ninja? I'll have to remember that when we do have a baby.

Nope. Not ones in the Midwest. What the FUCK kind of malls do you visit? I live in DC and no, people don't go wandering around shoving food in their mouths throughout the mall. As a matter of fact, most stores won't let you in with food.

Actually, seeing as I'm currently studying to be a midwife, I certainly will breast feed. Not that it's any of your business. But thanks for assuming you know so much about me because of a question I asked. No, I did not imply anything. No, I didn't say women should HAVE to buy any breast feeding articles. I asked if

I agree! So many not so nice people in the mall.

I totally agree. And no, people don't just wander around the mall shoving food into their mouths. Cause guess what....most stores won't even let you in with food.


Agreed. The music in there is so loud. I'd be worried for the babies ear drums.

My lack of critical thinking? I was literally asking a question about a topic that I stated I knew very little about. I don't think that analogy or your negative response were warranted or at all correct.

I guess I just feel like if its going go be turned into a politicized thing, people have to be willing to find a common ground. As I mentioned in my first statement, I know nothing about breast feeding. I just feel like there has to be a compromise or a good solution never gets found, just like any problem where

Okay seriously, thank you. This was exactly the answer to the question. QUESTION. That I was asking. Not having breast fed myself, I don't really know the ins and outs or what does or doesn't make it difficult.

Are you referring to the race analogy? Because I absolutely understand what it is. That was just a bad one.