
Premonition- noun, bro.

There are DOZENS of us!

Yessssss! This, so hard.


Perhaps the neoliberal bootstraps nonsense is a deliberate plan of the wealthy to ensure their own perpetuation at the expense of everyone else.

Oh yes, down to the misogyny that exists in nerd culture. Roman would sneer at me as a fake gamer girl but then totally try to fuck my cheerleader sister.

I know at least three Roman types and as with Bill Haverchuck before him, it is an extremely accurate representation of an incredibly specific type of person.

Martin Starr as Roman in Party Down is my fantasy hate fuck. So cute and smart, but also nerd-smarmy.

I am a mixed race woman with natural hair and I don't know the first thing about maintaining it. I own virtually no hair products and don't have a single close black friend. My mother always wore her hair cropped and invested in wigs. I am embarressed at my own ignorance but don't know where to start. I've watched

Typical foolish American. Carbs are for booze.

"Bearded Lips"

UH.....I thought this was a family site. *clutches pearls*

My family doesn't read, but it was the same for me - library on a weekly basis! And now I have like, six shelves of books in my house and work at a University with splendid libraries and I am happy.

1. Text speak
2. Political apathy
3. Nothing in common musically. Snobbish I know, but even just one genre or a couple favorite bands have to be similar.

I come from a family of non-readers. Both of my parents speak English as a second language and my father is borderline illiterate. My mother is a forgeign language teacher so she has no excuse. She maybe has 3 or 4 books on her religion du jour lying around, but that's it. One of the few things that kept me from

I nearly broke up with Mr. Unholy over something similar. I knew he read for fun and profit but when I first met his family? oof. We were going to spend a few days visiting his family and when we walk into their house ... no books. No books in the kitchen. No books in the living room. I am starting to panic. Go back

I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to get offended all on my own.

Your avatar is especially poignant in this particular instance.

I used to have a pet frog called Michael Jordan. They don't sound like a good match, either.

i don't believe farrah has a problem with alcohol... she has a problem with delusional, fame-seeking behavior and just doesn't want to accept that her fifteen minutes of fame are up.

I just. I can't. Melt. Um . . .*sigh*

I like Pharrell.