Wow - I have several old Maxtor's and (2) 500gb Seagates externals and have not had a problem with any of them. But...I only run them occasionally and when not in use they are turned off. I back up my back ups back up.
Wow - I have several old Maxtor's and (2) 500gb Seagates externals and have not had a problem with any of them. But...I only run them occasionally and when not in use they are turned off. I back up my back ups back up.
French Fried sweet potatoes...
I have greasy finger syndrome. I use a stylus for my tablet and my phone is always smudged. I just can't imagine having to continuously clean the screen of my Laptop...but hey that's just me.
Why not just cover the seat with garbage bags?
Not to sound argumentative, but proper grammar and spelling are always important. As a nation we lose so much if we use the excuse that the interweb is different than print when indeed it is print. Spell check is everywhere and if an individual wants to be a writer they should invest the time and effort to understand…
It is not just Lifehacker, it is EVERYWHERE. I did not mean to pick on LH, but journalistic services need to hold themselves to a higher standard. Editor's of old would not tolerate the sloppiness that is overly abundant in today's print/web media.
It seems like the importance of proper spelling and good grammar have flown out the window. Almost every article on Lifehacker suffers from this trend.
Box provides way more storage space than Dropbox. LH - you never mention Box. How come?
Musta been drinking when they came up with this or experiencing an extreme case of ADHD!
Vinegar FTW!
After reading here I tried Winamp again and meh. Now back to MusicBee.
Pretty incredible. I am not a fanboy but I have always purchased HP computers because of their reliability. When I was responsible for the salesforce IT selection we burned through Dell's, Compaq's, and Lenovo's. HP was the reliable one. My son has a five year old HP laptop that he has totally abused.
Yeah I started with empty coffee cans and that quickly got out of control LOL!
Repurpose empty food containers for additional food or any item storage. Cost is free since you paid for the food. Also from an environmental viewpoint that is one less container in the landfill.
I tried Evernote and yes it has the upperhand on mobile but OneNote on the PC is so easy to use. I need to look at the OneNote mobile version again.
Throw it in the microwave just long enough to start the cheese melt and heating the top followed by a trip to the fry pan to crisp up the bottom. Works great and quicker than the toaster oven.
Or you can install Treesize Free and it will pull up all the folder sizes pretty quick.
Bar of soap works great when sawing wood.
Growing up EVERYONE had an oil can in the house. We oiled bike chains, tools, guns, door hinges and pretty much anything that would stick, squeak, rust or make contact(friction). It did require that you wipe off the excess. Why would anyone think WD40 would provide the same functional levels of lubrication as a good…
I have a primary eMail account and simply forward all the others to that one and synch with MS Outlook. Works pretty good.