Stewart Wicht made the watch presentations.
Stewart Wicht made the watch presentations.
That car was so badass. I didn't love the "long throw" shifter and transmission, but the engine was really ahead of its time, it handled impressively and I loved the interior and seats they offered. I took that car up to around 125 mph.
Under a microscope = publishing any bullshit you can make up.
The design elements are very similar, but does Maxima have rear drive now?
You can't be Lions fan and be surprised a coach wasn't let go, the Ford's have the dullest axe in the league. The Big Buck managed to dodge those bullets for like a decade.
Despite what this chart says, the Lions games were pretty terrible this year. Staff throws the ball into the turf for 3 1/2 quarters, then starts lobbing it up for Calvin Johnson who is mysteriously uncovered in the 4th quarter. Game is a nailbiter, but incredibly boring before giving you 6 minutes of heart…
Its you against the world!
2nd best perhaps but Stafford is easily better. Scott had crazy talent with Moore, Perrimen and Morton.
The Mitch had a crazy year but the guy was an atomic level headcase. He was good enough to get our hopes up, and then may have had the worst playoff meltdown in history putting the Lions in a 51-7 hole to the Eagles.
They aren't shrill and terrible anymore. Everyone has integrated them into their designs very smoothy over the past year. They are probably as ubiquitous in new designs as domes these days.
I can't even begin to imagine the person who would even want that option.
I can't even begin to imagine the person who would even want that option.
A hugely important advancement in audio.
Which $450 headphones are worse than these? I'm very curious.
No mention of the leap forward in HEIL air motion tweeters over the past year, the refinement of Class D amplification or developments in the DAC arena like the Audioquest Dragonfly?
Because the tablet was reimagined, it redefined what a tablet could be, reinventing the personal entertainment device. With the pixels.
It is a knock-off Toto.
I wish the baby jesus would use voodoo magic to make the words redefined, reinvented and reimagined disappear from the apple peoples' vernacular.
This thing should crush in that 25 year old with some money, narcissist, frequent traveler demo. Look at me, super close up with hello kitty in Shibuya! Here I am in Vegas, up in the club! Pay attention to me.