
Of course, if you want anonimity, don't use that Tor connection to check your personal mail (at least, if your mail is in google/microsoft/yahoo/etc, your own dedicated server for that might be good enough), nor login with your personal account to social networks, nor identify yourself in sites like this one. That

HIV is permanent and kills, malicious apps are not. iOS also has had malicious apps.

I recommend the pina coladas,

You misspelled "Apple"

Every day, Google gets more and more like Apple. Sad.

Like the ads on Lifehacker/Gawker? (LOL)

I'd say you have it backwards, this is the one area where Apple got it Wrong. If you want an Apple device you have 1 and only 1 choice (OS wise), whereas if you want an Android device you have dozens to choose from.

Funny, we use the Nexus series of phones for that specific reason. They wanted open and customization phones, so the iPhone was out (by the very walled-garden nature of it) and the Windows Phone just doesn't have the development behind it. So our company went with Android, since you get an open environment and the

If you're willing to buy something in a parking lot without examining it, you absolutely deserve to get scammed out of your money. You can't possibly be trusted with anything larger than a five dollar bill.

My parents and grandparents come home with some of the strangest/ugliest phones I've ever seen.

.... why do I even subscribe to Gizmodo. I have yet to read an article here written by someone with an IQ higher than my shoe size.

The Galaxy Nexus is hardly a POS. Just because it is outdated and underequipped does not make it a terrible phone. It isn't the smartest use of $200 (on Sprint), but if you want pure ICS that bad, it is worth the money.

good point. A flip phone can cost $80 but with unlimited everything it'll be up to $50 cheaper monthly than a smartphone. My t-mobile contract adds $20 per phone onto my bill because it's an android smartphone plus $10 for unlimited data. That's $30 extra/month per phone on my family plan. Within two months, you get

I fail to see the evolutionary advantage in this particular bodily feature. Also as far as design goes it does not seem even slightly intelligent.

The American marketplace is not the Global market.

You deserve to be smacked over that. There are tons of differences in those.