
is not in central america. is north america,

Said the exact same thing about CoP on my long story post about the game here. I could not agree with you more, greatest accomplishment in video game history for me EVER!!!

A Pokemon like Articuno should be spawning in, like, Antartica.

(no one else comment just star andsmokeit’s comment)


Good. It’s an illegal operation and he should be held account. People can do all the mental gymnastics they want to try to defend their piracy but at the end of the day it is theft digital or otherwise, still the same thing.

Roadhog is Australian. And if you mean his ethnicity, he maybe more Pacific Islander due to his name, Mako. And Reaper is American, born in the US, but ethnically he’s Hispanic/African-American I believe. Technically, you are only Mexican if you are born in Mexico, as it’s a nationality. So Sombra could still be

I tell myself that maybe in another generation we can get rid of these people and mentalities. But in the mean time, let’s keep Clefairy up top at Westboro.

I don’t mind censorship in games aimed at a general audience. In this game I wonder who the censorship is even for? Its an absolutly niche product aimed at a niche audience. Justt seems to be done to prevent some preemptive outrage instead of tailoring a product for the actual people buying it. Hell this game didn’t

But, you won't be holding a bottle that says Bud Light Lime on it.

Just buy Corona Light and a Lime. You'll hate yourself way less.

Much agreed.


I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.

Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t

damn dude you owned the crap outta that guy. I was scrolling through the comments hoping to find that someone shot him down and you did not disappoint.

Oh, god, you really are that guy. You are literally arguing that it is somehow immoral to police their own content. And then you want facts and figures about opinions? I mean. Christ.

If you’ve got a reason to not include wrong opinions, in respect to equality, I’m all ears

No, it’s a move designed to show that Paradox isn’t okay with people imposing racist values on their game.