
That's because for the purposes of the show and attracting the intended audience, Ash always hovers just on the cusp of competence. He learns his lessons and becomes a better trainer by the end of each episode and season, but those lessons are forgotten because character growth alienates new viewers.

Well ascetically he has changed slightly but as a character he hasn’t become a better trainer since he left home. He forgets to evolve his pokemon (Pikachu I get but he rarely encourages his pokemon to evolve.), he forgets moves and what types work best on other types, and he constantly never bothers to bring his

If only this were available in my country I’d understand the completely textless/bereft-of-explanation article.

Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.

Righteous hate for Quiet’s get-up.

“To regain honor child, you must commit seppuku”

With ONE OVERWHELMING CAVEAT. Insert the “Drivers License” Episode into the Cell Saga. IT is the finest episode of TV ever, anywhere.

He did have his term during the Year of Luigi.

As soon as you posted that, your comment was crossposted to several anti-respect subreddits, and you will soon be brigaded by angry neckbeards. It’s about ethics in video game journalism, bro.

The people whining about SJWs are too busy tugging it to DOAX to pay attention to this

How long until people start blaming SJWs for this as well?

So basically “We showed personal discretion and for many reasons made our own changes to the game to make it more like we want it to be, as hundreds of game devs have done for decades.”

Well, yeah, that’s the entire Gamergate platform in a nutshell.

That is totally awesome!

That is awesome!

LOL, this guy is funny. Google gave my husband 9 paid weeks of leave for each of our kids. As a matter of fact, I think they have even increased paid leave since I had my youngest a year ago. God bless that company policy.

Homero Simpson?

Meanwhile in the rest of the world...