Alex Gonzalez

I'd rather work for Lion's Gate

A downward spiral to becoming a 'cleansehole'

With a TNG and Tasha Yar cross over, waaaat

First dash cams, now this

they look very organic, if computer, would love to see the program behind that

It does have a twin named Prometheus, also in Nevada, but exact location undisclosed do to this fear. It's old but not nearly old as Pando.

Apparently they are skipping the whole cop bit as well

What email system is that? If Gmail, and I were George Clooney, I probably wouldn't use my name. I would use something like 'fartbarstardson" ... this is why I am probably me **sigh**

try the US Navy

yes! I googled those part numbers and they do exist

Can it tell me when it's appropriate to accessorize with a flask?

All I am going to keep shouting in my head this entire movie is "Moon and Stars!!"

soylent green!!!!!

This is actually a lot better than I could have hoped

they mostly come out at night, mostly

I don't understand why there hasn't been a "mech" movie yet? Battletech? Anyone? I would kill to see that

Like Total Recall except inverted and w/ robots? clever. :| Seriously, Bruce Willis needs to get it together

pretty sure I used every single one of those to mix tapes

Totes better than macarena

love the gif