Alex Bell

I have no idea what Palestinian food actually is. But I agree that death threats are the absolutely wrong way to handle any of the issues here. It's food. The restaurant owners are not in charge of solving the Israeli-Palestine problem. The theme of the restaurant means that there could be opposing views for any

I wouldn't say it's overpriced, although I don't think it's all that good. I mean, it's not terrible, but it's not worth $8. I had to go buy more food afterwards.

Good points. I voted, but wasn't excited about it. I'm so sick of casting my ballot for people I don't even like or support, simply because they're slightly better that the republicans.

Sometimes I wish I could build those builds, but then I realise I'm not rich enough to buy that many bricks (slowly, i'm getting a nice collection though).

Last time I was in NYC, I had a man randomly say, "You have a nice day, miss." as I was walking down the street. Because the street harassment I get in NYC is usually so much more graphic than that, I thought to myself, "Huh. Those anti-street harassment PSAs must be working because now men are telling me to have a

I know a girl who uses those terms. She always describes herself as an alpha and how she can't get along with other alphas and how alphas don't like it when other alphas are in their territory and I'm just sitting there like, are you human beings or fucking tigers? What is all this nonsense?

You have a great point, Alex Bell. I'm working on it! Thanks for the reminder.

This is an interesting, and somewhat solid theory, but it has one major hole in it. That hole is this guy:

Are we really going with the word "racist" to describe dating preferences or attraction? Clearly in many cases these preferences are the result of historical and contemporary attitudes towards men and women of different races and ethnicities. That's an important discussion to have. But I'm so uncomfortable with the

It didn't! I was comment more generally and responded to you more because your post was (I think) one of the more even-keeled ones :)

Nothing changes if they don't wake up. I understand your point and I know education is important, but it's not always down to us. I realize we have to start somewhere, but at a certain point, it becomes an excuse for these men who can (and do) say, "How am I supposed to know if you don't teach me?" which can

I'm mad at Ricky Gervais for a lot of things: for the monstrously dehumanizing way he talks about fat people; for

you know what? i have made and laughed at rape jokes. hard. but even when a joke causes me to laugh, i realize that i am part of the problem. i have a comedy background. i have done sketch, standup and mostly improv. i get using everything to get a good joke. but rape is so engrained and trivialized in our culture

I get what you're saying, I really do. There are funny rape jokes. I'm the first to admit it. Usually the funnier ones for em are the ones that call into question the culture that condones rape. Louis C.K. has some very smart and funny rape jokes.

I think the issue isn't really about whether you can or cannot make rape jokes. No matter what you're joking about, if someone in your workplace is offended, you should stop. And no one should be fired for saying "hey, this one thing really bothers me."

To everyone saying it is just a joke: That's the point.

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

I can't argue that fundamentalism in Islam isn't a serious problem, and wouldn't want to, anyway. I have to point out, though, that if you follow the Bible to the letter, the results aren't great, either. For me, it seems more important to talk about the dangers of fundamentalism in all religions, rather than to

No, she doesn't have a penis, how can you mo-cap something like without a penis?!