Alex Bell

The series consistently portrayed her as an amazing conquerer but disastrous ruler who always turned to fear to assert her power.  She was never going to settle down to enjoy peace in any realm.

Didn’t the last big Nazi movement end with it’s leader taking cyanide under a bunker in Berlin?

No shit.

“...really busy...” I hate this excuse. It’s more like, “We didn’t prioritize our marriage and choose to put work first...” - sorry, that’s my hot take.

I was with you for a minute there, Mayim, I really was. I, too, have experienced probably less-than-average amounts of sexual harassment and catcalling (though not none, of course, because duh), and I’ve largely attributed it to two things: I’ve always been a homebody, and I’m not hot, just regular. So I get that

Sounds like fun. Just don’t ask this guy to play.

Hi! I was one of the people involved in this games’ making.

That was a discussion that we had while we were making the game! At first, I would’ve preferred if the setting placed it outside of human consideration too, but we eventually decided to have it with this setting simply because our preliminary focus groups all

Its funny because this level of automatic psychoanalysis is precisely why people feel the need to pre-empt claims they aren’t “woke”. 

So interesting personal tidbit. I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when I was young, and this is exactly how I walked (and still walk). The doctors told my parents that the tendon from my heels to my calves were short and stiff, and I underwent multiple surgeries to “correct” this by having that tendon essentially

Same here. I still don’t think it quite deserves the hate it gets, but it doesn’t measure up to the original trilogy. It’s almost worse because it gets a good deal right, actually.

Now playing

a true fact is that American Girl is one of the best songs ever written, I’m going to listen to it and cry now

That is very true, but I also want to point out that pit bulls really were bred for fighting and often do have a high level of innate dog aggression. This doesn’t mean that they are bad dogs; I have several dogs (not pits, because somewhat ironically given the content of this post, I find pits a little too goofy and

I really resent being forced to agree with PETA.

Art can be real fuckin’ stupid sometimes, and it could not possibly get any more stupid than when it puts me on the same side of an argument as god damn fucking PETA.

This is a pretty funny whoopsie. This is basically saying “we thought we had broken special relativity until we rememebered to apply the most fundamental (and famous) principle of special relativity to the equations.”

I am going to be that guy- This has nothing to do with the First Amendment. She is free to say Trump is a racist. And ESPN, a private company, is free to fire her/punish her/do nothing to her if it feels like it.

Not that I had an exaggerated respect for Harvard before, but REALLY? Mediocrity is an astronomically high standard next to Spicey.

In general, how well does Battlefield 1 portray World War One as a horrific tragedy, rather than just another war shootfest? I’ve been listening to Dan Carlin’s Blueprint for Armageddon series about the war (and having not really learned much about WWI in the 90s-00s American school system), I didn’t know much about

The tackiest of museum peices