Alex Bell

See, I actually read “really busy” to mean exactly “not a priority.” The working poor often can’t afford to end that dependency, so it’s not an excuse we commonly hear being used literally outside of bad/middling movies.

Yeah...history is going to soften his edges. Removed from the details, “try to save Iraqis from evil dictatorship” will look good after decades of all the other options failing badly as well. If Iraq manages to weather the storms and build itself a functioning democracy, hell, he’ll look great.

I think part of that is a matter of timing. 100% agree thatthe solution does not, or rather should not, be the responsibility of the victim with respect to their actions or perception. That...should be way more obvious than it appears to be.

Absolutely agree. Your compliment aside (thank you!), if I were eloquent I would have made it clear that I wasn’t trying to garner sympathy for the man-child and his over-cooked steak. It was mostly a “know your enemy” bit, on a subject that I thought wasn’t necessarily obvious.

Sleep deprived, so apologies for the bad grammar and word choice...but I think part of the difficulty for men is an unspoken subtlety to the are actually more familiar with the situation than we realize or understand, because we actually do get sexually harassed a lot in other men. It’s

Presuming innocence in a court of law is not the same as presuming that the victims are lying. It’s a fundamental tenant of a justice system that protects the rights of citizens, and while it unfortunately sometimes allows criminals to go free the alternative is written bloody across the pages of history.

Justice isn’t served by lawyers refusing to take clients the public deems guilty, unless you think public opinion is a super-accurate way to judge guilt.

That’s what bothers me the most about the whole trilogy. It has a lot going for it! It has so many good building blocks. And it squanders them.

I think, on a personal level, one-to-one, outside of a business setting, he might actually be rather endearing.

As you can see from the responses, it depends on what you look for when you play. If you don’t think a FPS with scores and teams can have gravitas, it won’t. If you’re fresh off of Blueprint for Armageddon, you’ll get sick to your stomach.

George was an anomaly. Most rebellious transition to governance under their most megalomaniacal strongman/woman. See: world history.

See, these things made sense to me, because I never understood the Special Edition “happy ending” of the original trilogy.

They do. We don’t provide aid to South Korea anymore. In fact, they are an important buyer of our military equipment.

Most of that is bad, but the peace treaty is feasible, if not likely. Kim’s actions are motivated by two things: 1) protect the regime 2) reunify the peninsula. A peace treaty helps significantly with 1), but, frankly, his artillery have done that well enough for years now. But if you have nukes to leverage a peace

South Korea would really be offended by that characterization.

Deterrence is the most effective means of preventing a NK attack, and Trump’s bluster, though not eloquent, is on par with deterrence language.

Many end up as museum pieces in Federal buildings.

Wow, I didn’t know I wanted this but yes, yes obviously. That would be amazing.

But black holes do (supposedly) radiate.

The irony of this statement is the exclusion of non-white cultures that are also shitty to minorities. Say, Saudi Arabia. Sudan. China.