Alex Bell


Meh. When you’re at that level, literally everything is important. And while congressional oversight is key, public hearings aren’t where you give out sensitive information that could be easily misinterpreted...because in a public session, representatives will willfully do just that.

100% agree, though can I add, not as a point of comparison but just an “in a small way I can relate,” I despise male dress codes. Why should I have to wear a literal slipknot around my neck to appear professional?

Missed both my point and the point you’re attacking.

I have one attractive male friend. He is a nerd, and a wonderful dude but with a very harsh exterior. He gets hit on and propositioned constantly.

I know it’s fun to blame Republicans, but Andrew Johnson was a democrat.

I mean, the rest is fairly on point, but reciprocity is a valid reason to have good ‘ol Lavrov over. Just, you know, maybe don’t kick the US press out.

...what do you think Trump’s base will think about their choice for president being impeached? It perfectly fits their “drain the swamp” narrative: corrupt political insiders disenfranchising the will of the public.

Press coverage is generally not desired in hostage situations, and political grandstanding by leaders even less so. Both tend to limit options as the process progresses.

Stereotyping is wrong, unless it’s against someone that your group finds socially acceptable to bully.

I haven’t played CS since the first few months of Source, mainly because fuck cheaters.

It’s actually part of the much-maligned politics of the region, in that the leaders generally know that as oil profits fall they will not be able to buy-off their populace with largesse anymore. And so most know they have to liberalize, but the problem is that internal and external forces make the “activation cost”of

As ending of your own life is inherently sad, sure, there’s always a touch of depression. But that’s a far cry from stating that the psychological condition of depression is always the root cause of suicide.

Right, but you see the problem: for that to be useful, you have to admit that his manipulated image looks “more meek and innocent.” I’m just saying maybe let’s not overly focus on how fashion can imply character. I mean, it CAN, but, historically, as a species, we’re pretty bad at actually reading it.

Hmmm...I think you looped back around there. Yes, suicide is complicated. But then you say depression causes suicide...which isn’t true. Much like bullying, depression can be a factor, but it’s a wide issue that defies easy classification.

I mean, I get it, but...palatable TV nerds can be rapists too. I think the message should be “doesn’t matter how you look, still a rapist” not “in his old picture he definitely looks rapey.”

Oh come on, don’t let your despair get in the way of sense. Bernie may not have been your candidate, but he wasn’t awful. And sure, he did have terrible supporters, but they weren’t representative of him or his support at large.

This is objectively untrue, but an understandable reading of the situation. The key to understanding is that the military, unlike the civil service, has much more pressure to follow orders. Therefore they do their best to make the best out of shitty political situations.

I was awful at timing because it never mattered. Then came Dark Souls. Now I have preternatural timing. What a game.

Secrecy and righteousness allows such awfulness to breed and take root. My home church is full of people who, given the same power, might act similarly. I think it’s important to point two things out though: