Alex Bell

Yeah...but the scenario previously was like “hiring” artists and compensating them with “exposure” instead of cash.

  • I expect the modders would only be responsible for their content, as usual.

That’s like asking artists to work for “exposure.” It’s insulting and taking advantage of individuals’ inability to negotiate legal contracts and navigate distribution. Worse, modders generally do work that generally isn’t legal to sell to begin with.

Studios: I want to encourage modders to add value to our IP without

As opposed to 0%? Yeah, it kinda is.

Why did they cooperate to begin with?

Negotiating distribution rights with publishers is not “nothing.” This is precisely the underlying reason why mods are free: it’s incredible difficult for a modder to personally negotiate rights to sell his mod of a licensed property. Nor should it be easy; modding relies heavily on the original material. It’s

How do you otherwise compensate mod makers for their time? Like, you, personally. I can’t parse how this is anything but complaining that someone decided to not continue giving you free content with zero compensation. If the game is not worth it without the work of hundreds of modders...maybe don’t buy it?

I’m confused...are they forcing developers to sell their mods? I mean, let’s be honest, most developers don’t sell their mods because they don’t have the rights to do so. Seems to me like Valve is just streamlining the process to allow creators to be compensated for their work if they desire it. If Johnny Modmaker

It's targeted provocation. Putin is unethical, calculating, and not averse to risk but he is not insane, and therefore he does not desire nuclear holocaust anymore than you or I. (I'm assuming you don't want it, anyway.)

He wants an overreaction. He wants fear, anger, and paranoia in the general populace abroad

That's an overreaction. An understandable one, but still. Humans judge each other, and it's not always to ill effect. These debates are how the moral goalposts change. Arguing that we should be completely free from criticism is odd from both ends: for one, free will! I'll do whatever I want anyway, regardless. From

"I would like to not be judged based upon sexual characteristics that I had no say in developing."

Attractiveness resides where people believe it resides. No more and no less.

Interestingly enough, while you're probably correct (in regards to "these people,") I don't hear much crying in regards to professional sports, where meritocracy generally holds and yet some populations clearly dominate disproportionately, depending on the sport. Not that I think that this is coincidental; it is far

While humorous, that is a legitimately terrible thing to be excited for.

It's a bit more than that. The availability/unavailability of cheats has a tremendous psychological effect. It's not "only adds value." It ruins the value for those who are too weak to avoid the temptation because outside the intended parameters the game quickly becomes boring to almost everyone. It may add value to

That segment of the populace is unfortunately very loud, true; but don't read too much into their efficacy. I agree about local levels being the most important, but that's also where the black constituency (and those who support equality generally) has the most advantage.

Fair enough!

Quoting statistics is this era's version of quoting...quotations. I mean, it appears to be an appeal to fact, but isolated statistics are almost always poor facts.

That's the rub. What's "level?"
The system has issues, no doubt. Unfortunately, the issue it doesn't have (and in parallel with half of what Albert said) is not being representative of its people.

I'll agree with it being rather tone-deaf, but there's a point there worth discussion. It's one thing to have to fight against injustice. It's another thing to say that the entire system is the injustice. Literally all of it.