
No, I completely understand wanting to read stories about other childfree-by-choice women. When I posted that question, I just thought it was an odd place to look for them . . . but you're right: It needs to be presented as "okay" for women choosing abortion to be childfree, too. I thought about it more and they're

Sorry if I came off hostile. That was not my intention. I was just wondering why you wanted stories of women who wanted to remain childfree.

  • edited.

Oh, I never felt like a freak. I thought the way that I felt was totally normal. But that's not what I was referring to. It was the lament about the stories not including women who didn't want to ever have kids. On further thought, I can see why the stories of women who go on to have children (the "I want kids, but

I wasn't responding to the OP, and I was not being hostile or defensive (and I'm puzzled that you think I was). I was wondering at her lament about not finding any stories from women who didn't want kids. The majority of women who have abortions either already do have children or go on to have them, so that's

Oh, lots of people repeat this lie ... even in the healthcare profession ... even in our legistlature ... fucking idiots. It's a widespread bit of propaganda.

Yeah, I think the only reason most women "regret" an abortion is if they're made to feel that way . . . something that needs to stop, right fucking now.

Why? Do you have to read stories about women like yourself in order to validate your choices? There are lots of women who don't want to ever have kids, but you shouldn't have to read abortion stories to find them.

Trigger warnings are infantilizing to women the way that seatbelts are to a car's occupants. Yes, some people need to be protected if they've been hurt. The strong and COMPASSIONATE people stand up and DO THAT. This is why the brutal lawless societies gave way to lawful ones: Because some immoral assclown—who

Decreasing? And so many, many, many women (and girls) don't even report. And that makes you think it's decreasing?

I think you're confused, especially when you say that we're "damning all men with rape culture". Many women are often participants in rape culture as much as are men. We can all do better. But it IS a facet of our culture. I'm not sure why you can't accept it or see it. Denial, I guess. Learn more about it and

Why not? You tried to tell me I'd never been in love. Turnabout is fair play, I'd say.

Love also requires a little more than seeing someone in a committed relationship, thinking, "I'd like me some of that!" and going on to have feels for that someone. Real love takes time and a concern for another's well-being as

How many examples do you demand? You're oblivious, so I'm not certain that a datamining bot could provide enough. Go away.

Yes, good name. If you don't understand that you, personally, do not have to have a history of sexual harassment or rape to be a part of rape culture, then your bulb is truly "unbright".

There's a big difference between infatuation and love.

You and several others here are confusing infatuation or "crushes" with love.

And BTW, wasn't judging the OP, but the person to whom I responded. The OPs situation, and being lied to for a very long time, and falling for some guy's bullshit? Now THAT, I can understand.

It's completely naive (or romance-novel-twelve-year-old) to think that one has absolutely NO control over loving someone. When you meet them or soon after, perhaps, you know whether they're committed to someone else. One can prevent oneself from falling in love. One ALLOWS those feelings to start. One has to be

Oh, PUHLEEZE! "Falling in love with the wrong person"? I've never fallen in love with someone who was already married or living with a significant other. One ALLOWS oneself to do so. It's not like one trips and stumbles into a puddle of LURRRRVE.