
The difference is that this was literally one event for women, out of numerous other times where men can take advantage of the same service, at the same business. Men protesting this is petty as fuck. Christ, if you had read the post you are responding to, you would see that there are five other Alamo Drafthouse

They are serving men, just this showing has been reserved for women. There is a difference. If they said no men ever then we would have a problem. Anyways, it would be nice to be in a theater were I didn’t have to worry about being bothered or killed. So there’s that.

He disapproves of their policy, so he’s gonna pay them money! Yeah, that’ll show them!

Oppressors that have everything else don’t get to whine when the groups they oppress would like a break from them. When women, LGBTW people, and/or black peoples have control of and access to literally almost everything else, then we can start complaining about “we have laws for this.” Men have the presidency,

“Men are afraid that women will get their own screening of Wonder Woman. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”

Wait, where are the female tears in that article? Where is a single example of a woman being “fragile” or particularly upset about this loser? What I’m seeing is that most people are reacting with well-deserved disdain:

“On the plus side, Miller gets to live with the comeuppance for his choices, i.e., having the kind

I’ve already said elsewhere that anyone who has a problem with this really needs to have their diaper changed.

He’s not only a member, but he is also the President of the Cry Baby’s Club for “Men”.

Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.

People love comeback stories from people who have fallen from grace, not from people who have never given the world a compelling reason to start rooting for them.

I’m waiting for him to bring out the big guns and call them “meanie doodoo-heads”.

If the local school board oversees the Montessori school in the same way they oversee traditional public schools, the Montessori sounds more like a magnet school than a charter. Magnet schools operate as part of traditional public school districts, but they usually have a special/specific program to attract

They keep trying to blur the lines. There is no such thing as a private charter, but once you start looking into it, you discover that the only way that charter schools are public is that they use public funds. They operate like private schools in many ways.

and that hair extensions, “tend to be very expensive.”

It almost looks too small to be a geoduck. Those suckers are huge and girthy.

If you ever try to dig for clams with your bare hands (which I have done), you can actually feel them pull away from you and try to escape deeper into the sand. It’s kinda amazing since you usually don’t think of clams as particularly mobile.

I do online tutoring/test prep, and I was surprised to learn how rigorous UK schools are compared to U.S. schools. Not only are they more rigorous, but the assignments are much more relevant to the “real world.” When I took a marketing class in the US, it was all multiple-choice tests on theories from the textbook.

Whew, glad we got that sorted! So nice to know where you stand on Mischa Barton.