
Oh, wouldn’t it be a pisser if she invited him over, saying “I think you could learn a lot from our fiscal conservatism...”

Is anyone else just being ground down by how angry they are? I hate him. I hate all the people who work in his administration. And I hate every single person who voted for him. I don’t know what to do. Carrying around this much anger is just exhausting me.

This says it all. AM is the portrait of decorum and decency in the face of inappropriate back rubs and branded fragrance “mavens” and a mentally impaired expired Fanta. I wish those assholes so much pain and embarrassment I almost feel bad about it.

Oh, my pleasure! Here’s a bonus round.

Remember when we used to say we were embarrassed that George W Bush was our President....?

Does this now set a precedent for others to do that same to him, or do the countless lawsuits against him count towards this?

And this is the maddening part of all of this. You know what you like, but you also suspect that part of the reason you learned to like it springs from some nasty, oppressive dogma. So you start thinking that you should do something that you enjoy less so you can be more ideologically correct.

The founder’s personal foundation was taking money from Chick-fil-A and giving it to the most powerful anti-choice, anti-LGBT groups in the country.

Honestly? My best advice is to open your ears, open your eyes, and try your hardest to suppress the knee-jerk defensiveness that’s natural if someone criticizes you. Try to instead think openly and sympathetically about what they’re saying, ESPECIALLY if you’re American and white and the person criticizing something

I think I’m just in a really bad mood today but this interview pissed me off. “Oh no, feminism is too mainstream so I need to call myself something else! People who call themselves feminists who don’t work to solve every single problem in the fucking world and also overthrow capitalism every minute of their lives

I’ve never eaten there, because I’m not that crazy about chicken, and where I live there are way better options if that’s what I’m in the mood for so my boycotting wasn’t difficult. But I remember hearing the things you stated, and then the day after pulse, the CFA next door asked workers to volunteer to work on

I agree, but for different reasons. Honestly, I’ve always felt like the Chick-fil-A thing was one of the Left’s bigger embarrassments. The company itself has no history of discrimination in hiring, provides health insurance to all its workers, regardless of working status (almost unheard of in the fast food industry),

And yet we “libruls” are the snowflakes who need safe spaces. Riiiight…

Dear homophobes, racists, sexist, and xenophobes: it is not the job of everyone else in the world who is not like you to erase their identities just so you can remain “comfortable.” Get over yourselves.

This “kids know what’s best for themselves” logic is so foreign to me. I only hear it from parents whose children prefer them to their exes, and people who believe that a childhood with elements of severe, dangerous dysfunction is a universal experience. So they’re either operating as an interested party

I think schools have moved away from teaching the “melting pot” concept. I distinctly remember some young person around me talking about the “salad bowl.” In the salad bowl, each ingredient maintains its individuality while contributing to a greater overall dish.

Oh god, can you imagine if the handshake video went viral and SNL did a parody of it? Baldwin up there making a bunch of cartoonish over exertions trying to move trudeau’s hand, while trudeau, played by chris pratt or whatever hollwood pretty boy is shilling their upcoming movie just stands there blissfully unaware?

Donald’s getting cucked by Trudeau

I’m sure Trudeau decided that he would tear a tricep muscle if he had to just to avoid Donny’s little playground game.