I am Hans
And I am Franz
And we want to pomp...you up!
I am Hans
And I am Franz
And we want to pomp...you up!
When Locke is infiltrating South Figaro and steals the guard's armor and he walks away in boxers. I was a kid when I first played it and that scene always stuck with me.
First time I played through.... Remember right before that when it says to split the party up, and leave a few behind in Narshe for defense? Well, I thought that meant I had to be strategic about it, so along with Celes (who is mandatory to go along) I brought two others - I think Sabin and Cyan, but it could have…
When you get the Falcon. Everything's ruined. The bad guy won. You've just spent a few hours roaming around a dead world with blah overworld music. Your party is decimated down to four. You just had to listen to Setzer's sappy dead girlfriend story.
But now, you have an airship, and hope. It's time to turn those…
Opera house - very end when Locke jumps down and gets involved. God I love C+L.
It's a tough call ... "favorite" is such a relative term! I've got a few that leap to mind however ...
I liked the three party split that happened early on.
Hands down, the ghost train. It comes at you from out of left field, has crazy awesome music, and Sabin suplexes the damn thing. SO AWESOME.
Every single moment Kefka is on screen.
I'd be hard pressed to name a favorite part, but I'll tell you right now my least favorite part is the first visit to the town of Zozo. If magic is so bloody rare in this universe, why is it that every cheap hooker in this town has a fire spell which can one-shot most people on my team!?
Then I laugh bitterly to myself because I realize that, yep, I'm a straight white dude fretting about a single, solitary place not regarding him as the default for once in, you know, ever. Strong play, Grayson. Strong play.
We're in San Francisco club called Stud, and there are people in fur suits everywhere. Colored lights and crashing…
But I disagree that we're talking about your grandmothers (who I hear were nice people besides their political views). I'm talking about people who use this in general conversation. I'm also pointing out how it feels. The phrase is meant to be positive but it feels exhausting and makes me feel like an asshole to say…
You know what Mark? You are way too nice for your own good. I have seen you on several occasions responding to mouth breathers who literally aren't even worthy of acknowledgement. I've even seen you respond to pedantic punctuation nazis. I just wish you would pull a Global Beet and tell them to go fuck themselves. If…
Disagree on a couple of points;
- None of the new Naxx cards are really "overpowered" as far as I can tell.
- You don't need to change your tactics for the new bosses on NORMAL mode; my ramp Druid deck ruined all three of them with no problems... Heroic mode though? That'll take some work.
- There is a reward for beating…
And we might get a reveal this weekend of the Rock possibly playing either Shazam or Black Adam in the BvS movie. My money is on Black Adam.
I'm a lawyer, and I have to say he gets a lot of respect from me for doing this. As awful as what she did was, the fact is she probably has little or no money, and a judgment would not have accomplished much more than what he got from her confession. So instead of clogging up the legal system, he VERY graciously…