Adam Stacey

I’m in love with Jim Sterling’s duality of having some of the most banal, bizarre, and crude humor out there while also having one of the sharpest, most insightful minds analyzing the gaming industry right now. It is good that he won.

I love the Fire Emblem series, but unfortunately this game has already run its course for me. I’ll probably revisit it every once in a while just for the quest of summoning my favorite characters, but other than that it already feels dull.

Join our hero Dario as he runs for his life to save the Fungal Kingdom and win back the heart of Duchess Apricot from the giant beast!

While I appreciate the inclusion, and understand other civs should probably be added (Ottomans, Mongol horde, Portugal, Netherlands, Macedonia, Carthage, Byzantium, the Huns etc.) and that they can’t put the whole world into the game the lack of any natural wonders from a place known for vast wilderness and an

My theory is that he’s a boss from Final Fantasy V

At first I understood it as Geralt with a tea which is just as funny.

Your sexuality, and how you manage it, is nobody’s business but your own. Nobody gets to tell you when the “right time” to come out is, and anyone who judges you is forgetting that in the not-so-distant past, being open about your lifestyle had very real, hurtful and sometimes violent consequences.

mfw reading the replies

Even if his version is plausible, he should still be charged with, at the very least, reckless endangerment for firing at a fleeing vehicle.

The worst I did online was like the Diablo 2 map hack.

You missed it.

I’m pretty much where he is in terms of a disability which looks so bleak that you don’t see any signs of hope, so I can absolutely understand taking that path. It’s one I think about taking a lot.

I’m OUTRAGED. My two year old daughter saw this and I immediately had to try and explain it away. She was like “Doryyyy!!” and I said “Don’t worry baby, there’s no such thing as gay people”. Then she goes “Pretty water... pretty fish!!” and I was like “Exactly. Marriage should be between a man and a woman.”

DM Trump: “You enter the yuge room. Roll for save.”

It’s because you force us if we want to use the community market in any reasonable capacity.

Admittedly haven’t played the new one and haven’t played II in a while but wasn’t Minsc’s craziness used to break the fourth wall for a number of different jokes?

Didn’t Ed Greenwood also respond to this? Yeah, here’s his Facebook Post:

All those worldstone chamber runs.... all those levels... where has time gone lol

To be clear, the people who already have the game are still able to play. This is no different than a game being pulled off of store shelves.