Wow that's awesome! It's definitely a fun game and worth more than that sale price
Wow that's awesome! It's definitely a fun game and worth more than that sale price
I know everyone is really rage-y about this, but that whole statement makes me sad. First of all, it doesn't surprise me to see another abuse victim defend their abuser. Here's someone who, as a young, defenseless child, was victimized by abuse AND now thinks it is OK. That is basically how abuser manipulation work;…
I think she is a vapid waste of flesh, but I do feel sorry for her. I don't think she has any good choices right now. How is she really doing to dissent? She's surrounded by her husband's people. And she has three kids to protect. If I were her I'd be looking for a way to get out of the country with the kids, ASAP,…
What do you expect her to do to "not put up with what Assad is doing?" Leave? Have you seen what he's been doing to the entire country? He'd probably literally gut her if she dared to defy him.
This is a gutsy thing to write, and a great forum in which to publish it. The thing about eating disorders is that by the time they get to be a "real" problem, you're in so fucking deep that you can't even conceive of backing out. Not to mention the spectrum—almost EVERY woman I know (and many men, although they deign…
The Comic is not a rape joke. Just because humor, in some way, mentions a horrible and thus sensitive subject such as rape does not make it the focus of the joke.
Krahulik's admission has also been met with criticism on Twitter by game developers and game journalists, sparking some discussion of whether or not developers should attend PAX—particularly amongst some notable indie developers. Some critics feel that developers should stop attending the show, and there has been some…
except That's not the Joke. the strip does not "laugh in the face of someone because they were raped!!!!"
What I don't get is why any of the other horrific things that PA regularly jokes about doesn't get as much attention. If the slaves in the addressed comic where merely subjected to regular physical abuse and treated as, well, slaves, would the same people be protesting joking about physical abuse and slavery?
Wasn't the joke about doing just enough to complete the mission and leaving everyone left to a cruel fate and still calling yourself a hero? Who was making fun of the victims?
The comic is fine. It's so overly ridiculous that to think they were somehow supporting rape or ridiculing the victims is, in itself, a joke. That some people would have their heads stuck so far up their righteous arses as to threaten Gabe's wife and kids' lives is quite frankly the real shocking part of this whole…
*sighs* This garbage again.
While no one online seems to be able to provide a proper definition, I think that most people could probably agree that a "rape joke" is a joke whose punchline either involves rape or uses the action of rape for comedic effect. Needless to say, I'm not a huge fan of these types of jokes, nor…
Every time I read about this I seriously wonder how so many people missed the original joke. It wasn't about rape. It was that in games, once you hit your minimum quota of saving people in a horribly dire situation you just leave the rest to a fate worse than death. They could have said "They feed us their shit and…
Exactly. In fact, your point is even more valid since the main demographic that purchases consoles is also the least likely to have cable television. Streaming video is far more popular among the 18-35 crowd, which is by far the larger segment of the gaming market. This will only get worse over the next generation.…
I havnt paid for cable in over six years. If i want to watch it bad enough, ill wait fir a streaming site to get it, go to someone elses house or other, un savory options exist. Paying for cable is pointless.
Except that nothing the X1 is doing with TV integration is truly limited to "TV". You could hook up a cable box, DVR, Sling, HTPC, IPTV box, a future MS product that delivers media, etc.
I agree 100%. I will never be paying for TV again. My laptop, a HDMI cable, the internet, and I have more than any single sub can offer me.... from almost every country. Hell I can even watch actual TV channels with certain programs. A console doesnt enhance or expand my TV experience, it limits it and puts it under…
I don't get it, the title says no buildings, and then the article shows us the interior of a building.
I had the same initial problem with SMT IV. But persevering through the first couple of hours is so worth it. Such a well polished game and a brilliant example of what the 3DS is capable of. That reminds me, I should go back and revisit Strange Journey when I get the time.
The Persona games seem a lot more accessible though. The SMT branding use to push me away from the series because I figured it was more or less another one of those games.