Adam Stacey

No Breath of Fire?!

Yeah I still think the story was good. It's not The Walking Dead good or as good as Final Fantasy X (I know everyone thinks differently) but it's still a great experience.

So I have an unrelated question: What does it take to be out of the "grey" zone on here?

Well said. I feel like developers expect ground breaking records every time they release a game. Tomb Raider sold 4 million copies worldwide but the studio shut down because it was short 500,000 copies of it's goal. Weak.

Competition is better. Remember a big reason for Sony's push of story driven and artistic games this generation was because they had to play catch up and was more or less just doing anything that seemed interesting. I don't know if we would have had this had the PS3 been the sole system this generation.

the mini-game is all about playing peeping tom/pervert in order to gain the female characters favor and the end goal being to bed them. If that's not treating women as objects then I don't know what is. It sounds like a teenager's conception of sexual conquest - and while many may find it funny, I personally have no

Looks a lot better than the PS4 in my view, though both consoles are going to be out of view on my monitor/tv set-up, so it doesn't really matter about how they look in my view.

TF2 has a LOT of female players. I would guess it has the highest percentage of women in a multiplayer FPS. And even though I've had a few encounters with harassment and random asshattery, it's way lower than most games.

It's stories like these that make me glad to come to Kotaku. Thank you for sharing this with us, Jason.

Is it really just the Resident Evil games and DMC? I'm at work and that's all I caught before I got the "NO!" message.

Oh boy, I was actually at a function yesterday where I got to meet some industry people (both indie and AAA) and I gotta say, they were all so awesome and nice, whether they were designers or marketers, or programmers. I got a chance to talk with one of the programmers who worked on Dragon Age: Origins and the

When I hear "anti-cheating hats," I think of this.

If that look doesn't say 'Kill me...please...' I don't know what does.

This is just screaming to be a shop contest candidate.

The League of Legends fan has a legitimate case on the chilling effect arresting people for sarcastic comments on facebook. PHATDOG harassed a woman on a private service both of them paid for the privilege to access.

You have 1st Amendment right to make sarcastic jokes on a public sidewalk. You don't have a 1st

You're confised about why she expected Microsoft to ban someone for violating their terms of use? And a rape threat is a rape threat. Terrible behavior is not forgivable because it took place on the internet.

Mr. Ruby and I still live like we are on our honeymoon, and it works, people!

Yep, it is the Diablo 3 Expansion. If you share the link with Facebook, the link description shows "Diablo 3 Expansion". Here is:

News also broke yesterday on MMO-Champion that Blizzard trademarked the phrase "The Dark Below"

More David Housden music? I am in.